Today I have already:
-printed out Nursing paper
-walked to Stroud building in freezing-windy cold
-went to Spanish
-went to get portfolio graded
-went to pick up test and paper
-went over to the commuter's lounge for even more Mech Lab Final cramming
-eaten a very unhealthy brunch...might be my only one...*note to self: pick up granola-yogurt bar*
-went to back to Stroud for Sociology
-walked home in freezing windy cold
-checked email (am writing this)
Still have to:
-look over Mech slides on website
-walk completely out of the way to Denike building in freezing-windy cold
-hand in Nursing paper and try not get roped into long conversation with prof who loves to talk
-walk all the way back to the Union/the commuter's lounge for more cramming
-look at Mech Lecture notes for quiz
-go to Mech Lecture and take quiz and pay attention during notes and review for final
-maybe go eat/definitely go cram
-go to Mech Lab for final
-walk home at even-more-freezing-windy cold on account of being it being time when I will be finished...
-die, something I am looking forward to
-come back to life
-eat something
-save my sanity by looking at LJ and it's glorious fandom-not-[my]-school/finals related topics...
autumn_whisper's fic, another one of the few things I am looking forward to