Quick review of Tin Man Part 3 of 3.
I actually thought that the Indian girl that turned out to be a sell-out was hilarious.
Ahamo being good ad being The Seeker was pretty obvious.
When the Indian girl had the ambush and the net fell of Raw, Glitch, and Cain, all Cain was yelling was "DG! DG!". He doesn't want to fail protecting her and lose her, too! Yay. Aww, and they hugged multiple times, and he helped her down the ladder, and when they were walking through the place with the name I can't remember, he was shielding her. And when they were going to the horse after she got out of the tomb, he totally held her hand!
The whole thing with Jeb was nice. I love how it was awkward and first between him and Cain, but by the end they were ok and understanding of each other.
And Zero is not dead. Yet. He was such a wimp when he thought they were going to cut his fingers off. Do you think he will have a trial? Even if he did, I think it would be pretty obvious that he would be charged guilty.
Guys, this kind of felt rushed. A lot rushed. I looked and it was 10:30 and I was like, "What? No way they get this done in 30 minutes!" It really ended at th earliest possible moment, I thought. I wish they had gone a bit after the saving of the O.Z. and the happy-ending reunion. Did the Queen Mother become the Queen again. Did Azkadellia step down? Did DG take the throne? Did they put Glitch's brain back in his own head?
Did Cain and DG fuck up against a tree?
I guess the open-ended nature leaves a lot for fanfiction to explore...or a sequel miniseries by SciFi. There are a lot of books(not that I have read them), and maybe SciFi considered it. You know see if they got good ratings or whatever. Again, I have not read the books, so I am not sure how feasible that would be. Also I don't think I'd like a sequel that followed other characters or destroy my ship.
That's another good thing about the open-eneded-ness. None of my ships became canon, but at least we got some good moments and they weren't utterly crushed in canon...Cain/DG wasn't crushed. Glitch/Queen Mother was kind of with the appearance of Ahamo, but that is what AU is for. Hey even the Glitch/Cain people were given stuff. And technicially, since neither is dead (yet, in the case of Zero) Zero/Azkadellia wasn't really crushed either...
Cain had some really good lines.
-To DG (climbing down the ladder): "Careful, DG. Easy." Makes my shipper's heart pitter-patter!
-To Zero: "Unshackle me and I'll teach you how to use it."
-To Glitch: "Good morning, sweetheart." Mutlishipping for the win! I can't help it and even I just beamed at that.
Was that PETER-GRODIN-WHO-DIED from Stargate Atlantis Season 1?! The one who was in Jeb's army thing? I swear it looked just like him only with a hair cut.
Stolen from
sexyspork's review: He's on a horse. A white horse. HE'S THE KNIGHT TO HER PRINCESS!
WHAT?! How did I not notice that? I don't doubt that it is true,
sexysporkisn't evil like me, she wouldn't make things up (though I wouldn't make something like that up either. That would be just cruel to shippers.)
I also agree that I really wanted Cain to pull DG out of the tomb. And pick her up bridal style out of it...I am a Romantic. DON'T JUDGE ME!
So. When does the DVD come out? :)