In Which There Is Much Squee...

Sep 24, 2007 19:55

Let's just get it out of the way: HEROES TONIGHT FTW!!!!!! *FLAILS*

Alright. Now we cam move on. These are reviews, so there are spoilers...probably moreso in the Avatar review than the Sydney White review.
Avatar The Last Airbender - 3.01 - The Awakening

I thought that was a pretty awesome episode. They managed to fit a lot into a little bit of time. One half hour did seem extremely short, didn't it?

Things I didn't like:
-Revelation of Ozai's face. I was like, "...That's it?" Very disappointed.
-I must be the only one who doesn't think Azula looks awesome without the make up. Sure I loved the long hair, but I prefer the psychobitch blood red lips, thank you.
-Mai/Zuko kiss. Sure I love Zuko/Katara...but they can't expect everyone to have purchased the magazine, and they didn't give it any set up. And Mai is just a smidge insensitive.
- NO  IROH. ;___; I know that we will see him eventually and at least we know he is alive, but still. NO IROH.

Things I liked/loved:
-Azula, that crazy bitch. Her pawing off the glory of killing Aang, and thus pawning off the blame when he shows up alive. What a craxy, crazy bitch. ♥
-Toph. Really that's all one has to say. Her badassery is unmatched. Loved the rock missles, the metal beniding of the plank, the lines...
-Sokka. The shallow stuff first; like the hair. Loved the Fire Nation armor. Water Tribe looks good in red. Also Sokka being at his ingenious self, planning an all.
-This exchange:
>The Universe justy loves to prove me wrong, doesn't it? 
>You make it too easy! 
>*Serpent Attacks Real FN Ship* 
>Thank you, The Universe. HEE! Oh Sokka and Toph, how doth I love thee!
-Pipsqueak and Duke. YAY!
-Windsurfing with the glider.
-The random and wacky of Roku and Yue( and her ex dues machina Moon Powers) for the win.
-Katara's badass bending. Not as badass as Toph, but no one every is...
-Hadoka. He is HOT, obviously where Sokka gets it from.
-Turtleducks. That is all.

Also, I have seen a lot of people be really harsh about Katara's little breakdown. I found it understandable. Anyone going to have issues when their mom dies and their dad last to leave, even if they understand why. And it is just like real life that it comes up at a really bad time. I think the voice-actress, Mai Whitman, did a great job.
Sydney White

Wasn't that just any adorable adorkable movie?! It was!

Amanda Bynes was really good. She did well as the tomboy-ish girl next door, and she was very funny. I loved her best girl friend and 'sister', Dinky. She was so sweet and cute, even after Sydney wasn't accepted into the sorority. I loved that she ended up with Lenny (one of the 'dwarves'). I loved the dwarves. George was really cute! Tyler (the Prince) was so cute! And could that boy sing?! Tyler is the prefect guy ever. GUH. To quote Meghan, "Where are all the guys like him at our school?!" The Wicked Witch, whose first name I can't remember, but whose last name was Witchburn, was just as hateable as she is supposed to be. She also did a few off these really annoying screams (of rage/fury) and sounded like a man.

This is definitely a chick flick, but I think guys would find it funny if you could get them in there. There were a few Saturday night with their girlfriends. Also it is a very dorky chick flick. Seriously, with awesome, laugh-out-loud lines as these, how could it not be?

-"Yeah, next you'll say Admiral Adama is a cylon!" One of the dorks to Sydney, when she suggest they could win in Student Council.

-"...She probably doesn't even know who Gandalf is!" Sydney to the dorks, trying to convince them to not give up running against Rachel Witchburn.(That's it! Her name is Rachel!)

ZOMFG HEROES!!!  NEW SEASON STARTS TONIGHT! YAY!(Yes, I thought we were done with that, too. ;P) *DANCES*

tv: avatar the last airbender, tv

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