That was a Nice Morning!

Aug 29, 2007 12:13

So, I grudgingly got up today at 7 only to realize that I hadn't typed my paragraph on my summer for Spanish. I quickly did it, with lots of errors, and rushed to print it out...which is such a hassle because I have to save it in the right format (I have the newest Word on PuddleJumper and other comps can't read it or something) and then go to the family computer and print it there.

Anyways, after sitting in the classroom for quite a period of time with the prof a no-show, the majority of class left. So Allison (fellow nursing student) and Melissa (fellow commuter student) and New Girl decided to leave too. Meaning I didn't have to get up early or write the paragrapgh or rush or hassle with my formatting or usb key or the mouse that needed cleaning on the family computer.

Also I learned a new rule that says something like you wait 10 minutes for a Professor, 15 minutes for a Doctorate Professor. Or was it 15 and 20? I wasn't really paying attention. I just left after everyone else. You know, how usually a big group of the class will leave at exactly the 15th(10th? 20th?) minute and then there are the slightly more cautious people who hang around for another minute or two and quietly debate and wring the their hands over whether or not to leave? The second is my group :D (along with Allison, Melissa, and New Girl).

Melissa and I and New Girl (whose name escapes me, sorry!) at the moment (but I remember she also commutes and has Chemistry with Melissa) headed to the Commuter's Lounge in The Union. After the other girl left we went to the bookstore and then drop off Melissa's books at her car  and got breakfast. We found Tony and Adam and basically just sat and talked until 10 when the we all had class (except for Melissa).

Geography was, once again, very enjoyable. It barely feels like we are learning because Prof is so funny, but are actually learning quite a bit. He continued to tell stories and use hilarious explains, which one doesn't expect when they are supposed to be about different geographical distributions and location systems...

On a non-school related note: Have you people seen those pictures of Hayden and Milo in Paris for the Heroes World Tour. I couldn't miss them on my friends' list, but Jesu. I mean, doesn't she have a boyfriend? I kinda feel bad for him with all the chemistry and eye-fucking and touchingness these two are doing. :P

course: espanol dos, school, esu, friends, course: cultural geography, profs

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