
Aug 13, 2007 20:09

From the SCI FI Weekly newsletter:

Lost Ringing Veronica's Bell?

TV Guide's Michael Ausiello has posted a rumor that the producers of ABC's Lost are considering Veronica Mars star Kristen Bell for the new role of Charlotte, a hot 20-something who is said to be "precocious, loquacious and funny." According to Ausiello, the role is described as "a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world."

The character of Charlotte will likely appear in the second episode of the season. The role is initially recurring, with a possibility of becoming a series regular down the line.

One: How much dirtier could they have made the title of this blurb article sound? The guy is probably still giggling in his cubicle...

Two: Precocious, loquacious, and funny? *vomits a little in mouth* That sounds so bad. How very Mary Sue! Seriously, I have nothing against Bell (I've liked most of what little I have seen of her work), it is the character's description that is making me nauseous. Worst Character Description EVER.

ETA: False. Thank God.
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