Finito! -I hope that I didn't just make up that word.

Aug 11, 2007 16:43

Yesterday was the last day of my Summer Post-Session. For our final class of Speech Communication, we presented our informative speeches. We also were supposed to hand in our last essay, which I completely forgot to do. I said I forgot it, ran home, quickly typed it up and sent it via email. Prof accepted it! YAY!

I just got an email with my informative speech grade. Factoring that with my other grades, I am pretty sure I passed with a 94%. Woot.

I also bought my books for the fall semester after I finished the essay (which I needed the book for). $250 for 3 textbooks and a workbook for Concepts of Nursing, Sociology, and Spanish II. The chick that was working there said that there doesn't seem to be a book for Cultural Geography and I am getting the Mechanisms of Disease book from my dad as he is teaching the course.

Also this song is awesome in it's complete strangeness...I got it from a Ten/Master (Doctor Who) fanmix.

course: espanol dos, course: intro to sociology, music, tv: doctor who, course: concepts of professional nursing, course: speech communication, textbooks, school, esu, dl, course: mechanisms of disease

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