It's time to begin again...

Aug 07, 2007 12:33

Umm, not Heroes fans may just want to skip this post.

You know it is getting close to Heroes Season 2 when Hana aka Wireless starts sending you emails.

Things have changed a bit. I can see more from where I am now. Visit my site @

It's time to begin again....


Check out her latest blog entry by following the link. There is an article, trouble is that it is in Spanish. It is probably related to a (new) Hero that we will soon meet, I really don't know as I haen't been keeping up with spoilers [though I don't mind them, so feel free to discuss them in the comments].

...Yes, I translated the article into English and sent it in early this morning before class. *is a geek* *sighs* I hesitated in parts because I wasn't sure of the wording/context/intent/meaning/etc.

ETA(again): On the translation - Please note that I was rushing and I am not exactly fluent. I had a class at 8am and I hadn't yet done my homework. I definitely am not a native speaker. Reading and listening I am fine with, but writing and actually stringing together a sentence in Spanish, umm, yeah right. I couldn't have translated it from English to Spanish. What I know of Spanish is from my mom, who is from Honduras, but when she speaks to me in Spanish I answer in English. ^_^;;;

The article will continue to be refined as I work with others(who of course will be credited) to get the intent and meaning and whatnot more accurate and natural and so on.

ETA(they just keep coming, I know!): I hve made some changes suggested by the wonderful hebrew_hernia. My version was a lot more word-for-word, hopefully this is smoother. Mostly it is the same informatio, just presented a little less literally and there is some word order differences. Umm, the striked-out stuff is my original stuff, underlined are the changes.

Mysterious deaths ignite rumors that involve a cartel

Mario Delolomo

San José del Guaviare [Southeast Colombia]

All of the habitants of a remote town to the south of the Vaupes River were found dead by hikers who explored the mountainous area exploring the mountainous area of the Chiribiquete National Park. The hikers, a man and a woman from the western United States described the macabre scene when they arrived at the town and described it as “something that only the Devil could have done”. The couple preferred to maintain their anonymity.

Exploring the scene in more detail, they described dozens of corpses, those which show a substance in form of a film in the area of the eyes. Exploring the scene in more detail, they discovered dozens of corpses, all of which had a filmy substance around their eyes. [hebrew_hernia says: I'm not sure whether the article meant 'around' or 'in and around,' though.]

“We saw the town from a mountain and because we were running out of water, we decided to go down and re-supply ourselves.” At entering the place/area there were no signs of life. It was as if the life had stopped and the world followed its course. ***[Check the comment for more discussion of this sentence.]

A medical team was sent to the place, but the cause of the tragedy hasn’t been announced yet.

The area, that during a long period of time was thought to have served as a hiding place of the Borjas Cartel, is know as rich with natural resources. The area, which for a long time was believed to serve as a hiding place for the Borjas Cartel, is known as being rich in natural resources.

Many of the indigenous people who live in this region speculate that the residents of that town were used as laborers in the disputes between the Borjas and a group of construction workers who were trying take control of part of this remote region.

Until the moment/time of the publication of this article, there have not been any survivors found. At the time of publication of this article, no survivors have been found.

ETA(the last one I swear): Please look at the comments for native Spanish speaker michelsita's translation. I think that we all have gotten the basic gist of the article. Person(s?)/(Hero[s]?)/(evil?) that kills entire towns leaving filmy substances on/near the eyes. Possibly connected to a cartel....

ETA(another one, yes, I lied x_x): technosage has a translation and discussion here!

ETA1: Good chance there might be !!!SPOILERS!!! discussed in the comments...
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