Jul 27, 2010 00:53
Well, I'm a walking, talking, eating, and weight-gaining cliche. I got married, I got comfy, and I got FAT! My husband, The Gentle Giant, or Giant from previous stories is such a sweetheart. I've been asking me to help me be as active as I used to be before we married, but he's a cuddly couch potato. He loves the idea of physical activity and fitness, but not the practice. He notices when he gains weight, and I am good at helping him to get the extra pounds off so that he can keep his job and continue to be our main financial supporter. He mostly disregards my pleas for a more active lifestyle overall, because... he didn't notice, apparently, that I'd ballooned up. The other night, I laid out the jeans I took off to bathe, and on top of them, I placed the jeans I had on the night we first met in person. He was stunned by the difference. I demonstrated that I was no longer flexible enough to touch my toes (or my ankles, for that matter) without bending my knees. He was shocked.
I told him how uncomfortable I feel lugging around so much excess baggage, and how unattractive I feel. I told him how it was affecting the ratio of sexual overtures to sexual acts. I told him how worried I am that if I can't get my belly back under control, it will kill me before he gets to retire and before our life together really begins. He seemed, finally to understand.
That's why this morning, he woke me up early to weigh myself, and start off my day with yoga, like I used to do. He will do yoga with me now, on mornings when he either does not work, or has to report late, if I want to do yoga that morning. I practice yoga only M-F. He goes to bed before I do. Before he closed his eyes, when I was tucking him in, he reminded me to take my birth control, and my Metformin, and to practice Tai- chi. So I did practice. He's awfully sweet. I have gained really a lot of weight, so it was very touching to see his surprise when I compared my pants for him. It's also exactly what I need, when he changes his schedule, to work out with me. In two days, I will try to get him to do calisthenics with me, because it was quite boring alone today. I remember how his body looked when he was more active too. As hot as I think he is now, I'm looking forward to seeing him get big and strong again, like he was when I was slim.
On a related note, there was a reason I was prompted to show him my pants like that. I was looking online at a picture which was taken of me around the time we started dating. He peeked at my screen, and asked earnestly who the girl in the picture was. I searched his face for a joke, a tease, or some irony. He was serious. He didn't recognize me. When I told him it was me, he asked how old the picture was. I told him, but he didn't believe me. He said I looked so skinny, and pointed out some bones. All I could do at the time was shrug. Later, as we showered, I resolved to demonstrate the state of things for him.
Well, I hope he doesn't think the girl in the photo is too thin. The girl in the photo wanted to lose 10-15 pounds.
I have no other place to keep track of this. I will be logging my progress here.
Day one:
Weight- 174 pounds
Calories: 1800 (I know, I know. Lunch included fries, which I never get to eat, and supper had tons of cheese. So I skipped the chocolate cake. My goal is 1600, right now.)
Activities: Yoga-25 min, crunches, push-ups, voids, squats, Belly dancing- 45 minutes, Tai chi-30 minutes
Supplements: fish oil, resveratrol, multi-vitamin, isopure 0 carb, coffee
Medication: Metformin, Yaz, ibuprofin
I can do this.
gentle giant