Aug 02, 2019 02:28
So this is the first post I have made anywhere (except some retweets on Twitter) in months. I ditched FaceButt, and meant to go over to MeWe, but no one I really know was really over there much, so it wasn't all that pressing. Or interesting. (Also these creeper guys kept trying to friend me. If your profile pic is a dick pic? I'm not gonna accept your request, I'm gonna block you.)
I lost the last real life girl friend I had in the state. She split over irreconcilable differences, and decided to pretend to still be my friend but never invite us to any of her family events anymore, none of her kid's birthday parties, not her wedding party, nothing. So when Seth saw the newest post from her little girl's birthday party and cried his poor little heart out, I unfriended her on FB, deleted her info from my phone, and did my best to forget about her. Only heard from her once, when she was looking for someone to buy her P.O.S. van. Apparently we are only friends when she wants money from me. And now that her oldest is old enough to babysit, she doesn't need me anymore and dropped me like a hot coal.
So, I've lost most of my old FB friends too, if they weren't on MeWe, although I let everyone know I was going over there. I have a permanent account here though, and no clue how to transfer all my stuff elsewhere, even if I wanted to.
We got four baby goats born this year, and only one lousy mama. The survivor of that set of twins with a lousy mama went to my mom's house, where my sister was taking care of it. The boys go out to feed the animals and check on the goats every day, but I still have to remind them and make sure. We had a bumper crop of blueberries, and the figs came in early, but nobody wants to pick them. LOL. They like to eat the stuff I make, but they don't like to put in the work to get it. Makes me feel like the Little Red Hen some days.
Work has Jason on 12 hour shifts, so- fun (sarcasm). He may or may not rank up to Captain soon. The people on base would like if the brass did give him the job, but it's not really up to the people in the field or even lower level management. And the top level management frequently has shit for brains.
Seth is reading more and enjoying it. He is starting to learn guitar.
Duo is all angsty teenage moodiness. I will be glad when that passes. Sometimes he's not too bad, but others . . . Ugh.
Xander walks the fine line between adorableness and driving me up the freakin wall. He got an abcessed tooth (which I feel terrible about, even though the dentist says it happens to some kids no matter what) and we are having to shell out $2k+ to get his teeth fixed. He had some cavities in other teeth too. Now the tooth is out though, the kid is eating almost constantly. He is SO HUNGRY. So more tooth brushing, and we go back to the dentist for the placeholder and the rest of the fillings in a few weeks. They are super busy in the summer, appointments are hard to get. It should be easier once school starts though. Which is good, because I think Seth has a cavity too. Dammit.
I have a reading list that is probably as tall as I am, and I am working through it slowly. I need to go through all the boxes in the house and donate all the baby stuff and probably throw some stuff out, and just generally see what we can get rid of because we really do not have room. Even the attic is pretty darn full. Even if a lot of that is Halloween decorations. We need a bigger house. And more bookshelves. But that is extremely unlikely unless I win the PCH sweepstakes, which I have been entering faithfully. Cross your fingers for me, unless you are in it too. In which case, I hope if I don't win, that you do.
life stuff,
farm life,