A Weak Moment

Jun 12, 2015 15:09

I have been pretty weak over the last 24 hours.

My current girlfriend has been acting pretty irrational since Wednesday. We have been together a little less then 2 months and out of no where she tells me that her rental agreement runs out in February and that she would love to move in with me. On top of this she tells me that she would be willing to quit her bar job to spend more time with me. Not to mention she has 4 houge dogs that would come with her.
This isn't happening and I'm not at that point at all emotionally with her. I also am not ready to take care of someone else when I have been doing this being a single dad for 12 years now. I'm not ready for marriage. Not even close. I likemy space and lately she is being a little too overbearing. Wednesday night she slapt my phone out of my hand because I was "On Facebook too much". I was on there reading about sports and local stories while she was busy doing other things. Crazy!

I received a few text messages from my ex girlfriend who I was with for a year. I still have feelings for her and miss being next to her. It's just one of those situation where you think that if you were to get back together that things would just be full circle. Issues you had would come up again. I ended that realtionship because I didn't have patience...also because I went through her divorce with her which was stressful for 9 months. Totally still attracted to her...sex was awesome. I miss her all the time.

Maybe I am just having these feelings because I am having issues with my current girlfriend. That's probably most of the case but I am still attracted to her and her personality even more.

The last text she sent me was that she wanted to be friends with benefits and to be honest as tempting as that is I don't want anyone else touching her. Selfish huh? I wish I could rewind time because I would do things so much different. I don't want to be a cheat either.

Thank God the weekend is here because I have quite a bit to think about....

EDIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I just said goodbye to my ex. Am I sad? Very! Do I think it was the right thing to do? Yes! Am I lying to myself? Possibly?
I need to walk toward the light and I want her to be happy. I wish it could have been with me but it's obviously not. As tempting as it was to go have sex with her I had to say no. I hope we both can find happiness... I truly do.

cheat, relationships, love, girlfriend, temptation, confusion

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