
Nov 27, 2011 00:24

Title: ​Innocence
Rating - NC-17
Warnings - Dub-con, non-con, underage, blood play (rest I will add later)
Pairings: Jared/ Jensen, Jensen/OMC, Jared/OMC
Summary: What happens when the intelligent, naive teenage Jensen with stars in his eyes meets the newly turned vampire Jared at Stanford. Does Jensen looses his innocence due Jared's obsession with him. Or Jensen's happiness   changes the deluded vampire.

Chapter 1

“Why do you have to be like that? It would have done everybody a big favour if I wasn’t born, then you would be happy with a doting son and daughter. Anyways, I was just a mistake an unplanned and unwanted kid. Why would you care about me and what I have done and could do?” Those were the words that had been ringing in Donna’s ears as she sat in the kitchen with her eyes glued to the clock.

On hearing the creak of the back door opening she immediately turned towards the door with an apology ready on her tongue. Only, to be disappointed with increased worry as she saw Josh at the door. She went back to staring at her hands atop the kitchen table.
Silently she felt a hand come on top of hers. Donna looked up at Josh and said
“It has been four hours since Jensen stormed out of the house. It is getting late; you should go out and look for him”

“I will mom. But, first there is something that we must talk about,” said Josh

Donna knew that this talk was long time coming but that didn’t mean she was prepared to have it.
“We can talk any time, but right now your brother is a priority. My poor baby he must be so hungry and cold. What are you still doing here, leave right away and bring Jen back home.”

“Mom, I know where he is and right now he is banging his head for being so harsh towards you and trying to understand your intentions. He won’t come back until this is sorted out. You know how stubborn he is?”

“This is precisely why I don’t want him to go University; it is so far away from here. He would be his stupid and stubborn self. I don’t want to see any of my babies get into any sort of trouble where I won’t be there to help them”

“You allowed me to go”, said Josh without missing a beat

“Your case is different you got into Texas University and got a full ride”

“Mom, you know that is weak excuse. The kid got a scholarship to Stanford. Mine was a sports scholarship and he got purely on academic merit.”

“He is too young to venture out and that to so far from home. The local college wants to take him in and would offer him a TA position in his first semester”, said Donna

“Don’t you think it would be a waste of such great talent? And didn’t you allow Mackenzie to go for a summer trip to Europe, you were in fact so happy at the prospect of ‘your’ grown up girl exploring the world who apparently is two years younger to the ‘too young boy’ the boy who has never been to any trip barring one”, Josh said it with complete air quotes.

“Don’t you dare Josh Alan Ackles you are still not big enough for a time out”

“Sorry mom but we are running in circles and you are avoiding the main reason why you are scared of letting Jen join Stanford”

“What do you want me to say Josh? That I am scared for my baby, yes I am. And now that you mention the trip he went to was the local fair. Do you remember what happened? My stupid, trusting, goof-ball thirteen year old laughed and joked with a sexual pervert and how he was taken over to a secluded place and the slime-ball also had a van ready to whisk away my innocent boy. I am still scared to think what would have happened had his school mates not realized that he was missing and someone forcing Jensen”

Josh began to run soothing circles on her hand and said
“It was longtime back. Jensen has grown”

Donna laughed bitterly in between her sniffing
“Has he? He has only grown in size and intellect. But, he is still the naïve, innocent kid who believes that everything is rainbows. Have you looked at him, his looks garner all sorts of attention good and bad. Oh! He is aware how he looks, but he thinks when someone flirts, you flirt back, laugh and laugh alongside. He cannot understand the difference between a look of admiration and look of perverted lust. God only knows how your father and I have tried to make him understand the underlying wrong of the world. But, he is such sunshine that it seems criminal to destroy his sense of innocence. I do not want him to lose his innocence”

“Mom, you cannot go on forever protecting Jen. He has to grow up and make his own choices and he cannot do that with you holding his hand all along the way. If you stop him now, he is only going to resent you. And what is to say that he would not run off to Stanford on his own, because legally he is an adult.”

“I get that but it is still not easy on me. Who is gonna be there for him without any of us around. It is not that I am not proud of him. But, his academics though brought a smile to my face it would also scare me that one day due to his accomplishments he would go away from my protective circle. Because when the ways of world are concerned he is way behind than your sister.”

“Will you be able to look him in the eye when he starts resenting you for the lost chances?”
Donna couldn’t come up with a plausible argument for that, she was stalling.
“Josh, believe me I want Jen to achieve all the success he deserves but not at the cost of him getting hurt and losing his belief in goodness,” said Donna

“Oh come on mom. Don’t presume that he is going to fall into trouble”

Donna narrowed her eyes and said “And young man who is going to make sure that the silly sixteen year old kid doesn’t make doe eyes at trouble.”

“Oh! Don’t worry mom I just have the right candidate for that.”

“Stop it you dick. Stop breaking and throwing my things.” Said Chris Kane as he ducked, narrowly avoiding being hit by a sailing pan.

“Shut up Kane. You better be ready to pack up your fucked up band and be on the plane with Jen to California. I am going to say this only once, that if you don’t do as I say you won’t have any instruments left to make a band”

“Christ!” Chris cursed loudly as more pots and pans were thrown on the ground.

“Obviously I see how good is Stanford going to be for my band. You could have just told me this already.”

“Where would be the fun in that? So, now that you have agreed. You have two days two make the preparations for the move.”

“Two days!!!” Chris exclaimed

“Yup! And you better not crib Kane because I still haven’t gotten around breaking your things seriously”

“I know that has been fun to see me the red blooded Texan cowering. But, seriously is Donna ok with letting Jen go?”

“She is still scared but she is coming around to accepting that. And she agreed if you are there with him.” Said Josh

“What you already volunteered me for that?”

“As, though you wouldn’t have followed Jen for his safety and wellbeing”

“Wait a minute, if you already knew my answer then why this?” Chris said gesturing towards the upturned furniture of his apartment.

“Because I wanted to play the big brother role perfectly and as you rightly said I like to see the big bad Chris Kane cowering down in front of me,” Josh added with a smirk.

virginity, top jared, supernatural rps, innocence, bottom jensen, vampire

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