The Photographer

Nov 14, 2019 01:27

Hi guys,

For years I have been watching Supernatural and reading tons of fanfiction. On several occasions I had tons of great ideas about my fanfiction, started writing some of those ideas but somehow all of them remained unfinished. But somehow my muse has been favouring me for the past two weeks and I am already one third through with this story. I am proud of it as I wanted to finish at least one before supernatural ended. So this is my first ever fiction that I am sure I will complete. Please do give your love and feedback.

Title: ​The photographer
Rating - NC-17
Warnings - Dub-con, non-con, angst
Pairings: Jared/ Jensen
Summary: Jensen and Jared are two young models deeply in love but things change for them so drastically that two years later the two are able to look back only in regret. This is a story of young love, obsession, hurt and betrayal.

Chapter one

It had been a grueling session, sitting through his numerous failures and fuck ups made the hour long therapy session seem much longer.

Jared leaned his head against the steering wheel of his car in a bid to calm his agitated nerves but it was not working. A sharp honk broke him out of his attempts to attain some sort of mental peace.

With a derisive chuckle he muttered to himself. ‘Here I am losing my mind and bugger needs my parking space’.

Slowly he moved out of the parking space onto the road when he saw Jensen getting into Jeff’s car. Jensen, who was battling so many demons was the walking proof of Jared’s failures, immaturity and insecurities.

How did they reach here, where the two former lovers could not look at each other without feeling guilt, regret, anger and resentment?

Jared in his heart knew the answer now. It was three years ago when Jensen and Jared were madly in love but were too young to understand that world was cruel and could yank the happiness away. If people were not old enough to understand and appreciate these things, then outside dark influences can shatter you.

Three years ago

“Jensen..Jensen..,” yelled Jared as he walked inside the three room apartment he shared with his live-in boyfriend.

“In the kitchen” Jensen yelled back.

Jared hurried into the kitchen and found his boyfriend with a tall mug of coffee and reading some papers.

Jared hugged Jensen from behind and asked ‘Hey baby! What you got there?’

Turning around to plant a kiss to corner of Jared’s mouth Jensen said ‘Missed you… This is the usual script for an advertisement to sell soaps in my underwear. So original’.

With a possessive growl Jared said ‘You in underwear meant only for our bedroom. But I get the appeal even I would want to expose all this awesomeness for selling more soaps’.

‘Wish I did not have to. But anyways where is the fire? You came yelling into the house surely you have some big news’ said Jensen.

‘You bet I do. Mark has invited me to do a calendar photo shoot with him. You know how picky and choosy he is with just reserving these for Brad’s, Hemsworths and Tom Hardy’s of the world’ said Jared.

‘Mark…Mark Pellegrino?’

‘Yup the only and only. This is so big for me and my career. If this works out you can cut down on these soap commercials and perhaps focus on completing your masters, Indie projects and your music,’ Jared continued enthusiastically missing the stiffness in Jensen’s body.

‘I am so happy for you. But promise me you will be careful. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable you will march out and come straight to me’ said Jensen.

‘Woah! Not that I do not appreciate the concern but where is this coming from?’

‘Nothing I just worry about you. You are barely 22 it is easy to get overwhelmed. I have worked with the guy before; for lack of a better term it got intense,’ said Jensen with all the earnestness he could muster.

‘Babe… This is very different from what I have heard about the guy; he is a total sweetheart. May be you misread some of it’.

‘Perhaps. But for my sake Jared just be careful’.

‘I always do Jen’.

The next six months passed in a whirl wind. Jared’s photoshoot wrapped up within a month and it did open up vast sea of opportunities for him. He had started getting small but important spots in TV shows.

Bigger change that elated Jared but put Jensen on edge was the growing friendship between Mark and Jared. They had become drinking buddies whenever Mark was in Los Angeles.

For many of these drinking sessions Jared tried to get Jensen to tag along but it never happened. Jensen always had some reason for not being able to make it and he was happy doing just that. Avoid meeting Mark was Jensen’s mantra. Till either Jared or Mark got bored of the friendship and simply grew apart.

So it came as a surprise when Jared six months in said he wanted to invite Mark over for dinner.

‘Mark is dying to meet you. I have kind of talked his ears off saying all sorts of things about my awesome boyfriend. But my busy Jen cannot find time, so Mark suggested if he could meet at our home. Frankly he does not believe that you exist’ said Jared to Jensen.

Jensen was not prepared for this. He removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. He could not avoid it any further.

‘I need to tell you something. I did not say anything so far because there was no need. But now with Mark entering our house and thereby becoming a part of our lives, I need to come clean. My first photoshoot after I turned 18 was with Mark, he was charming, real sweetheart that way. He used to pay special attention to me, being young and all. He cared quite a bit to the point of being overwhelming. When the photoshoot got over, he said he really liked me and tried to kiss me. He was 28 and I was just 18. I was flattered as well as scared. Somehow my sense of being overwhelmed won and I said I am way too young and not sure whether I was ready for any relationship. After that we parted ways. Though his agent reached out to me for a couple of shoots but I just could not say a yes, I wanted to get through college. There you have the full story,’ said Jensen.

Jensen was prepared for a disappointed, angry reaction but the expression on Jared’s face was something totally different.

‘Wait you don’t look surprised’ he said.

‘Well! As you know I have been talking a lot about you. One day he mentioned that about five years back he met a Jensen and it was pretty much the same version you just said. Though he added that he was embarrassed and wanted to make up for the weird way he behaved and tried to get in touch for another year or so through offers of more photoshoots. When it did not work he moved on. He did not remember your last name and was not sure you were the same guy, and I did not probe because if there was a story you would tell me’ said Jared.

‘Oh shit! You must think I am a lying asshole’ said Jensen.

‘Not a lying one, just a hiding one. But this seems a harmless story of what five years ago. He moved on, you moved on. I guess we can leave all that behind’ said Jared.

‘You are not upset?’

‘Would I have preferred to know this earlier? Maybe. But do I get your logic of talking about it now? Yes. So we are good. Just in the future if you have any more guys lusting after your ass or had done so in the past let me know’ said Jared.

‘You are awesome. And please extend that invite to Mark so that we could move on from the embarrassment once and for all’ said Jensen.

Neither of them could imagine what sort of problems they were inviting in their lives through this invitation.

hurt jensen, past boyfriends, top jared, jensen, jared, bottom jensen

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