Jan 23, 2005 14:05
So I went to APA retreat! I was tired at first at didn't want to go, but it turned out to be really fun. Finding out peoples' secrets is just . . .fun. =). So we do this somewhat pointless scavenger hunt first, then we go this pretty good Chinese restaurant where like half the kids there speak Cantonese to the waiter (Chinese people! damn!), and then we do a little work at the hotel planning events, etc., etc., THEN . . .we play some fun games at first, like line charades, team pictionary, butt-bounce (don't ask), and this sexy game where you move a grapefruit down a line using only your neck. (The person I had to give it was HOT too! Nothing better to start off your night then pressing your neck right up against a hot girls'). THEN we used a tangerine. After that, of course, being college students, they brought out alcohol. I think when I get buzzed, I just have less inhibition of what I say. But I don't even know if I was buzzed, which was the weird thing. I'm not sure, but I think I'm like my dad - I'm never really drunk because I don't lose a lot of control. Then we played drinking games. Which were devilishly fun . . .This deserves it's own paragraph.
The first game, we just sat around the room, each person with a drink. Could be any drink; some had beer, some had Smirnoff Twist, some had a mixed drink, others had Coke, as in Coca-Cola. Now, you go in a circle and each person says one thing they've never done. Could be anything. After that, everyone else who was done that thing takes a drink. It was interesting to see who had or hadn't done stuff. Like I said, "I've never smoked weed" and like 3/4 of the room took a sip. And then there are the embarassing ones, where you think someone's lying by NOT taking a drink. The more fun game, though, was Hotseat. There, you take a drink, and then you go up and have to truthfully answer ANY and ALL questions asked of you. The drunk people asked the craziest questions. Haha. There were some standard ones, like, "If you could date one guy/girl in this room . . ." but then I got "If you could have a threesome with two girls in this room . . ." and THEN I got "If you could have a threesome with one guy and one girl in this room . . ." Crazy, man. Of course, I will not tell you my answers because everything stays in that room. If you want, play the game with me some time and find out for yourself. (PS: I will not play the game with you unless you've had something to drink to loosen your tongue) (PPS: If any of you thought of the most obvious joke from the last sentence, I'll play with you anyway)
And now, I have to go to Safeway to buy a whole bunch of plastic utensils, plates, and napkins. Then I'm coming home to watch NFL Playoffs. Then I might do some work, but who knows? Oooh, Psych 1 tomorrow, which means another Patrici story!
"If you could date ONE high school teacher . . .who would it be?"
"Mr. Kim."