(no subject)

Aug 23, 2006 23:09

"Write me off, give up on me 'cause darling, what did you expect? I'm just off a lost cause a long shot, don't even take this bet."

Title: Give Up On Me
From lyric prompt by:
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Kaylee/Jayne
Rating: PG-13
Words: 697
Notes: Just a bit of Jayne nonsense for
meimei42. (It doesn't quite know if it wants to be angsty or fluffy) - Enjoy!
Warning: Not beta-ed.


Give Up On Me

Walking to the galley, Kaylee had the weight of the verse on her shoulders. Simon had upset her; yet again making her feel like it was her fault.

She had the words of a song going round and round in her head. "Write me off, give up on me 'cause darling, what did you expect? I'm just off a lost cause a long shot, don't even take this bet." That was how Simon made her feel, like he had already given up on her because she wasn’t good enough for him. Like she wasn’t worth the gamble.

It was Jayne’s turn to prepare the evening meal, and Kaylee thought some time with the Merc was just the thing she needed to cheer her up. Much to her own surprise as anyone else’s, Jayne had become a trusted friend who knew just how to bolster her spirits whenever Simon got her down.

Looking up Jayne smiled, continuing to chop the vegetables for the stir-fry he was putting together. He had bought fresh vegetables from the market on Lilac that morning.

“Ya gonna stand there staring?” Jayne asked, a grin playing on his lips.

“Just wanted ta talk…”

“Well sit ya butt down here, an’ chop these.”

Jayne handed her some sweet peppers and tomatoes and a chopping board.

“Pass me a knife,” she asked.

“Here ya go,” he passed her the knife and tried to make her smile. Kaylee remained sullen. “What’s wrong, Kaylee girl?”

“Simon,” she whispered.

“That feng le hun dan!”

“Jayne, don’t call him that. He’s a good doctor and a loyal brother.”

“An’ a lousy lover.”

Kaylee blushed. “It’s not his fault. It’s me…”

“Ain’t you, Kaylee, as far as I can see, ya gorramn near perfect. Ya mei li an’ always so gorramn happy an’ sweet makes ma teeth ache. Jus’ being round ya makes a dull day seem brighter. Man’s feng le to not have noticed that. If’n he’s sayin’ ya not good enough or not right, well he’s real dumb or a gorramn liar!”

“Why, Jayne Cobb, I do believe yer crushin’ on me!”

Jayne blushed. “Ain’t no secret. Liked ya from the first day I clapped eyes on ya.”

Kaylee looked surprised. “Ya have?”

“Uh huh. Ya jus’ bin too wrapped up in tha Doc ta notice.”

“Sorry, Jayne.”

“Don’t matter. Ain’t never bin good enough fer ya, anyways.”

“Ya are too, good enough for me.”

“Might as well just write me off, give up before we even started. Ain’t never gonna be the kinda man ya deserve, Kaylee.”

“Then who is Jayne? The Doc ain’t, you ain’t, who should I try next, the Captain?”

A belly laugh rumbled up from deep inside. “Come ‘ere, Kaylee girl.”

She let him hold her close, his strong arms wrapped around her, pressing her against his broad chest.

“Guess we both don’t think we’re good enough fer the one we love.”

“The difference bein’ that Simon always makes me feel bad about who I am, where you always make me feel good.”

Jayne eased her back from him body, looking into her eyes. “What’re ya sayin’, Kaylee girl?”

“I’m sayin’ I have feelin’s fer you too, Jayne.”

“Good feelin’s?”

“Real good feelin’s,” Kaylee answered with a grin.

“Ya willin’ ta risk everythin’ ya have with the Doc, fer the gamble of bein’ with me?”

“Uh huh! I happen ta think yer worth the risk. Yer a sure bet fer me. Ya bin a real good friend ta me, so ya proved yer loyal. An’ I know yer lovin’, an’ ya goramn near told me ya in love with me…”

“Bao-bei!” Jayne pressed a soft kiss to Kaylee’s inviting lips, and she surrendered herself to it.

At that moment, Simon came into the galley, unable to say anything at the sight of his girl and the ape-man-gone-wrong kissing. His mouth hung open in disbelief. Now this is what going mad feels like, he thought, not for the first time.

Simon was not a violent man, but when they broke apart he surprised them both; he swung back and let his fist fly, and socked the Merc squarely on the jaw.


song prompt, kaylee/jayne, kaylee, jaylee, jayne

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