Plenty Nice to Look at

Aug 23, 2006 17:43

Title: Plenty Nice to Look at
Following on from: Cowboy
Character(s)/Pairing: River/Jayne
Rating: PG-13
Words: 459
Notes: Just a bit of Rayne fluff.
Warning: Not beta-ed.

Inspired by
curikitten's immortal comment ..." But he didn't jump up and grab her. Why didn't he jump up and grab her? Jump up and grab her, dumb-butt!!"

So here's the dumb-butt & what happened next - Enjoy!


Plenty Nice to Look at

“Hey, I’ll have ya know plenty o’ girls think I’m plenty nice ta look at!”

Reaching out Jayne grabbed her round the waist, pulling her against him.

Taken by surprise, “Oooofff!” was the sound River made.

Jayne held her tight, her cheek resting on his broad chest.

“Ya kissed me,” his whispered into her hair.

“Uh huh,” River conceded.

“Felt good,” Jayne admitted.

A grin spread across her lips, but River said nothing.

“Ya think ya might want ta do it again?” he asked.

“Uh huh,” River buried her face into his chest.


Jayne moved his fingers under her chin, tilting her face up so he could look into her eyes.

Slowly raising her eyes to his, a blush slowly creeping across River’s face.

They lost themselves in each others eyes.

Jayne let his fingers caress her cheeks. He tilted his head and brought his lips close to hers.

“I’m gonna kiss ya now,” Jayne told her, “Ya ready?”

She nodded, and he brought his lips tenderly to hers.

It took a second or two of warm lips resting against each other before River responded. But respond she did. Her arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer, her whole body pressed against his.
She gasped at the nearness of him, and he took the opportunity to run his tongue across her lips. A sharp intake of breath indicated her response to that intimate touch. A smile played around her lips; recognition of the power she had over him. The power to take him to heaven, or banish him to hell.

She pressed opened lips against his, and he let his tongue brush against hers. She did the same to him, slowly copying every movement, until they were both breathless with desire.

Jayne grinned. “Reckon I could get used ta this kissin’ thing.”

A frown spread across River’s face. “This kissing thing!” she said, her voice rising.

“River, bao-bei.”

“Don’t bao-bei me! It’s just a kissing thing, is it?” River’s indignation was increasing.

“No,” back-tracked Jayne, “I just…”

“You just what….?”

“Aw, River. Ya can read my mind, can’t ya?”

“You give me permission?”

“Dunno what that means. But, ya have my leave ta read my mind.”

River’s soft brown eyes looked deeply into clear blue ones.

She gasped as she saw herself as he saw her.

“I’m beautiful.”

“The most,” Jayne smiled, drawing her close to him again.

“And clever.”

“The most,” Jayne said, nuzzling her neck.

“And innocent.” Her eyes filled with tears. She hadn’t felt innocent in such a long time.

“I just wanna take care o’ ya River.” Jayne caressed her cheek.

She rested her forehead against his. “I want to let you.”

Pressing their lips together, they sealed the promise with a kiss.


fluffy, river, rayne, jayne/river, jayne

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