Two Ficlets

Aug 23, 2006 15:21

Title: Kinetics / Kisses
Author: Jayneswoman
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 2
Prompt: 034. Contact*
Rating: PG13 / NC17
Warnings: Jayleeness ensues.
Word Count: 100 words exactly.
Author’s Notes: Yay! I did it: kept to the 100 word limit.

I was so inspired by this prompt that I wrote two ficlets - Enjoy!!!! LOL

For a Jayne/Kaylee claim at
ficlets100: table 2.

Previous Chapters here.



Jayne nears the engine room when he hears a string of curses.

Hurrying to Kaylee’s side he cups her hands in his. They are reddened with blisters.

“How d’ya do this, Kaylee girl?” he asks, concern in his clear blue eyes.

“Just fixin’ the engine,” she answers, “Thought the power was off.”

Grabbing the first aid box, Jayne sits her down.

“This’ll smart,” he warns.

A hiss escapes her lips despite her best efforts to stay strong.

Jayne gently blows on each blister to ease the hurt.

Kaylee honestly doesn’t know if her gasps are from the pain or pleasure.




Jayne presses his eager lips against hers, just taking in the taste and touch of his woman.

Kaylee responds in kind, pulling herself as close to her man as she can, breathing him in with each touch of lips and tongues.

Rough hands delve into luxurious hair as soft fingers caress firm muscles.

Lips and teeth kiss and bite tender skin as it is exposed beneath rough clothing.

Hands and mouths devour silky flesh as it yields to the gentlest touch.

Each kiss leads to another, each caress becoming more needy and insistent, till passion brings it all crashing down.


Next Ficlet: Lustful

kaylee/jayne, ficlet, kaylee, jayne, firefly, ficlets100, jaylee, prompt table

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