Three Drabbles

Aug 22, 2006 19:09

Title: Recuperating / Building your Strength up / Feeling Better
Author: Jayneswoman
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 005. Grapes* / 024. Milk (Writers choice)* / 018. Bananas *
Rating: NC17 / PG13 / PG-13
Warnings: Full of Jayleeness.
Word Count: 405 / 387 / 456
Author’s Notes: Jayne needs some nursing and Kaylee is happy to oblige

Prompt table 1 from

Previous Chapters Here



Jayne was still in a foul mood, grumbling and griping at everything any one did to help him or to try and put a smile on his face.

Kaylee was trying a different tactic to cheer him up. “I brought ya somethin’ at the market this mornin’.”

Jayne wouldn’t turn to look at her, but continued grumbling to himself.

“Well, if ya don’t want ‘em, guess I’ll hafta eat ‘em up myself.”

Jayne turned in spite of himself. “What ya got?”


“Red ones or green ones?”


“Ma favourite.”

“I know.”

A smile played around his lips “Xie-xie, Kaylee girl.”

“Ya welcome, Jayne.”

She watched him take a handful of grapes and stuff them all into his mouth in one go. He sure loved those grapes, she grinned.

Looking up at her, he indicated that she could help herself to some.

“Xie-xie, Jayne.”

They sat and watched each other as they munched their way through the whole bag.

“Ya wanna git washed up?” Kaylee asked Jayne.

He nodded, so Kaylee moved over to the sink to run a bowl of hot water.

She felt a warm body behind her, arms snaking around her waist, and a warm voice whispering in her ear, “Ya gonna help me?”

She turned and pressed a kiss to his willing lips. “If’n ya want me to,” she answered.

He leant against the sink as she dipped a cloth into the warm soapy water. Lifting it and wringing it out, she started smoothing it over his face and the muscles of his neck and chest, finally running it down his arms and hands.

“Ya got anywhere else needs cleanin’?” she asked.

He raised an eyebrow as a smile played about his lips.

“Steady there, cowboy. Not ‘till ya feelin’ a whole lot better.”

“But when I’m feelin’ better?”

A smile spread across her face at that thought. “Definitely when ya feelin’ better. Now, back ta bed with ya.” She slapped him on the behind.

“Don’t ya be doin’ nothin’ that ya can’t handle the consequences for,” he warned.

“Oh, I think I can handle the consequences alright,” she teased.

“Like ta see ya try,” he teased right back.

“I think ya beginnin’ ta feel better.”

“Damn, straight I am. Gonna be the quickest recovery ever, cause of what I got waitin’ fer me when I’m fightin’ fit.”

“See, all ya needed was the right motivation.”

“All I needed was you.”


Next Chapter: Building your Strength up

Building Your Strength Up


Jayne enjoyed the grapes so much that Kaylee went to the market again the next day.

She came back with a smile on her face.

“What’ya got there?” he asked when he saw the brown package peeking out behind her back.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” teased Kaylee.

“Bao-bei,” he growled.

“I love you too, Darlin’!”

Suddenly the atmosphere changed as they both realised how serious things were getting between the two of them.

“Ya love me, huh?” he asked.

“Was just kidding,” she answered, hiding her face behind her hair.

Jayne lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “No ya weren’t. Ya were deadly serious.”


“Why not?”

“Talk ta me about it, if’n ya find ya have the same feelin’s fer me.”

“Well, maybe I do.”

“An’ that maybe says ya don’t. Let’s talk about his later.”

She brought the packet out from behind her back.

“Fresh milk! Where did ya find it?”

“Down the market, where I got ya grapes.”

“Ya spoilin’ me.”

“Ain’t ya supposed ta spoil sick people? Build ‘em up an’ make ‘em strong again.”

“In that case, I’m gonna be as strong as an ox…”

“That’s the idea,” Kaylee said, pouring the milk out into a couple of glasses, and handing one to Jayne.

“Xie-xie,” he said.

They sat together drinking their milk in silence.

“Dui bu qi, Kaylee girl,” Jayne said, brushing hair out of her face.

She looked up, “Why?”

“Ya just took me by surprise, tellin’ me ya love me.”

Kaylee blushed. “Ya can’t help it if ya don’t feel it too,” she whispered.

He caressed her cheek with a rough hand, tilting her head so he could see into her eyes. They were filling with tears.

“Aw, Kaylee bao-bei, it’s not that I don’t feel the same.”

A look of hope sparked in her eyes.

“It’s just… I ain’t told any woman I love her, ‘cept ma Mama an’ ma sisters.”

Kaylee held her breath and waited for what he would say next.

“But I care about ya more’n I ever cared about a woman afore. I’m guessin’ I love ya too.”

Kaylee kissed him gratefully, then said, “When ya go from guessin’ ta knowin’, tell me again.”

He kissed her back tenderly. “Ya’ll be the first ta know, bao-bei.”


Next Chapter: Feeling Better

Feeling Better


Kaylee bought bananas the next time they were planet side.

Jayne was feeling much better, but Kaylee still wanted to give him a treat and help him build up his strength.

She slipped down into his bunk. With only the boats simulated moonlight to show the way, she felt her way over to where Jayne was resting.

Kaylee reached out to feel Jayne’s forehead for any trace of a fever. She gasped when Jayne’s hand grabbed her wrist. She heard the click of a gun being cocked and the chill of cold metal at her temple.

Jayne flicked on the light and sighed when he saw it was only Kaylee, lowering the gun to his side.

“Aww, Kaylee. What are ya doin’ down here?”

“Come ta see how ya doin’,” Kaylee whispered.

“Dui bu qi, darlin’,” Jayne answered, pulling her close.

“S’okay, Jayne.” She breathed his scent in deep as he rubbed her back, soothing her and calming her back down. “Brought ya some bananas.”

“Ya been givin’ me a whole heap o’ gifts since I bin took ill.”

“Just willin’ ya ta git strong again,” Kaylee explained.

“I’m gettin’ plenty strong, Kaylee girl.”

“Well, iffn ya didn’t want no more gifts…”

“Didn’t say that, bao-bei,” replied Jayne, “But I reckon I owe ya a plenty o’ gifts in return…”

“Now that I’m lookin’ forward to,” grinned Kaylee.

“Where are those bananas?” Jayne asked.

Kaylee handed them over to Jayne and he broke two off the bunch: one for him and one for her.

Jayne opened his up and was about to bite, but stopped when he saw how Kaylee was devouring hers. Ai ya, that woman sure knew how ta turn a man on just by eatin’.

“Mmmm,” Kaylee moaned, “These sure do taste good.”

“Reckon I must be missin’ something, cause the way this here fruit makes ya moan, it’s positively sinful. Ain’t never had no fruit makes me feel that way.”

“Why don’t ya take a bite o’ mine?”

“Conjure I might just try that.”

“Come ‘ere,” Kaylee beckoned Jayne over.

She took another bite and eased his eager lips apart with hers, pressing the soft fruit from her mouth into his.

“Mmmm,” he moaned in response, “Reckon I could git used ta this way of eatin’ fruit.”

She shut him up with another eager kiss, plunging her tongue into his mouth, wrestling with his.

When she eased herself back from his tender embrace, he had his eyes closed, a look of satisfaction on his face.

She leaned in close and whispered in his ear, “Ya keep gettin’ better the way ya are, soon it won’t be just fruit we’re sharing.”

At that Jayne’s eyes popped wide open, a slow smile spreading across his face.


To be continued...

Next Chapter: Payback

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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