Love... Part 7

Aug 16, 2006 17:02

Title: Love Lifts us up Where we Belong
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 935
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie Love Triangle (Het)
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

troy_gal - Thanks for the plot bunny. This fanfics for you!

Previous Chapters Here


Love Lifts us up Where we Belong

Maggie grinned when she saw Tom getting dressed in their bunk. “Tom, thank you for coming to see me last night in the infirmary.”

“What?” Tom turned and she gasped as she saw his swollen face, “I didn’t visit you. Mal and Shepherd Book gave me the third degree, and that thug they call a gun hand came to finish it off later.”

“Ooh!” Gently she pressed the red skin around his eye, which had swollen shut. “Did Mal or Jayne do this to you?”

“Jayne came at me with both fists.”

“Well, it serves you right. You’ve ignored me this whole trip. We’re supposed to be getting married, but I’m quickly changing my mind.”

“You can’t! The invitations are being sent as we speak. The church and reception are booked, the flowers and food ordered, and you dress is ready. The wedding must go ahead.”

“Not unless a lot of things change first. Especially your flirting with other women.”

“What about you with that Cobb thug?”

“He paid attention to me. You ignored me all evening. If you don’t like other men paying me attention, then don’t leave me alone.”

Maggie grabbed some clothes and stormed out of their bunk.

River was nearby listening, she took Maggie’s hand and led her to the shower. “Get clean, put on new finery and come to break your fast.”

“Thank you, River,” she said, tears welling up her eyes.

The girl reached up and wiped Maggie’s tears away with a fresh hankie. “He will make you better,” she said and tears streamed down her own face as she turned to walk away.


As Maggie walked down to breakfast, she met Jayne in the corridor. Smiling he pulled her into one of the many nooks and crannies across Serenity and drew her into a huge bear hug.

“It was you,” she gasped.

“Mmm huh. Ya couldn’t tell?” he breathed into her hair.

“Well I wasn’t expecting to be kissed by anyone except Tom.”

Jayne eased back and lifted her chin so he could see into her eyes. “He made ya cry again?”

She nodded.

“That hun dan…” she felt every muscle in his body tense.

“What does hoon daan mean?”

He smiled at her attempt to pronounce the Mandarin. “It’s hun dan. Means bastard.”

“Oh,” she blushed as she learned her first Mandarin profanity, “Well he has been a hun dan to me.”

“Damn straight he has, but I won’t let him do that ta ya again.”

“Just don’t hit him again.”

“Why the di yu not?” he scowled, then explained, “Means hell.”

“Because he may be a hun dan, but I still love him,” she said, a single tear running down her cheek again.

“Oh, bao-bei,” he said stroking her cheek and bending down pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

She threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself as close to him as she could, drawing courage from his strength and stability. He plunged his hands into her hair and their kiss deepened.

Jayne pressed open mouthed kisses on her lips and across her face. Maggie responded by stroking his stubbled cheek, and kissing his cheek and neck.

Maggie began trailing her hands down his arms and across his chest and stomach, then running her hands under his shirt and up his back.

Jayne started sucking on her neck and caressing her belly, his hands moving up to touch her breasts. She shucked off her t-shirt and he continued stroking and teasing her breasts.

Maggie eased him out of his t-shirt, pressing kisses along his neck and ghosting her fingers across the muscles of his stomach and chest.

Jayne eased aside her bra so he could nuzzle and suck on the tender skin beneath.

By the time they pulled apart, they were both breathing heavily with desire. They grinned at each other in the exhilaration of their desire for one another, and the excitement of finding such a tender lover in the other.

“So I guess the hun shi won’t be taking place,” Jayne teased as she put her arms around him, resting her head on his chest.

Maggie looked blank, “I don’t understand…”

“Oh, sorry, hun shi means wedding.”

Maggie grinned as she shook her head, “For two reasons: the way Tom throws himself at other women; and the way he doesn’t kiss me like you do.”

“Ya like the way I kiss, do ya?” Jayne nuzzled her hair.

“You can kiss me like that ‘till the cows come home,” she sighed.

“Might just take ya up on that offer,” he bent down to kiss her again.

She giggled as his belly protested the lack of food.

“I think we’d better go and feed this hungry beast,” she patted his toned stomach.

He pressed one last kiss to her lips.

She quickly slipped on her discarded clothes. “Do I look decent?”

“Ya look shi guan shi mei - completely perfect,” he said, pulling on his t-shirt.

“Thank you,” she sighed, pressing a soft kiss against his jaw.

“Xie-xie. That’s thank you in Mandarin.”

“Zhe zhe”, Jayne.”

He laughed deep in his belly.

“What’s so funny?”

“Ya just called me sugar, or a kind of fish, or a jelly fish, or a flower. Or else ya tellin’ me that ya want ta sting me! Oh bao-bei!” he grinned, holding her close.

“That’s what you called me last night, when you kissed me.”

“What bao-bei? It means darlin’,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh, Jayne, bao-bei.”

Well, what could he do? She was his new lover and had just called him her darling, so of course he kissed her.

To be continued….

Next Chapter: In The Name of Love

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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