(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 18:48

Yes, It's true!!!!

I have a shiny new tv to watch my Serenity and Firefly DVDs on. And a new digital box, so I can see all those extra digital channels now...... in the colour that they were intended.

(Yes, lightning struck and caused my TV to turn funky colours - so EVERYONE had blue hands and grass was a wierd purple colour...)

*sigh* But it's all back to normal now.

I'm also excited about seeing Adam on NCIS last Saturday, and that the UK Sci-Fi channel will be showing Firefly in the Autumn! And I heard that Summer will be back on the new series of 4400!! SO, lots of Firefly cast memebers in new TV coming up....

I just don't know if Day Break (Adam's new series) will be shown over here. Will anyone be recording it? And putting it to download? I hope so!!!

Anyway, end of excited rave. Back to the serious business of writing fanfic.


Sorry could help myself. LOL


Okay, back to writing....

new stuff, insurance, lightning storm

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