Love... Part 6

Aug 11, 2006 13:44

Title: Love is a Battlefield
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: PG13
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1085
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie Love Triangle (Het)
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

troy_gal - Thanks for the plot bunny. This fanfics for you!

Previous Chapters Here


Love is a Battlefield

As Jayne and Simon hurried back to Serenity, Mal went over to have a word with Tom. “Did you just see what happened to Maggie?”

“No.” Tom seemed surprised.

“Exactly, you were too busy flirting with Inara to see your fiancée faint dead away. Doc’s taken her to the infirmary fer some medical tests.”

“She has diabetes.”

“Doc saw some kinda medical bracelet, so I reckon he knows. Ya shoulda let us know of her medical condition. Might of needed ta get some medicine on board.”

“I didn’t think.”

“No ya didn’t.”

Mal was getting angrier and angrier as their conversation continued. Tom just wouldn’t take responsibility for what he was doing to Maggie, so Mal let rip.

“Didn’t think of no one but ya self. Didn’t think of Inara, didn’t think of me, and ya certainly didn’t think of ya fiancée. She’s been on the edge of tears near the whole evening, ‘cause ya’ve been ignoring her. Inara and I were hopin’ to spend a romantic evenin’ together and ya kept us apart. And why aren’t ya running over to Serenity to see ya fiancée now? Ya shouldn’t be engaged, the way ya treatin’ that woman. If she asks me ta stay on with the Serenity crew as our cook, I’d say yes, just ta git her away from you!”


Jayne gently lowered Maggie onto the infirmary bed, being careful not to knock or jolt her. He smoothed her hair away from her face. She felt cold and clammy.

Simon collected a blood sample and did some quick tests.

“She has diabetes. Do you know what that is?” he asked Jayne.

Jayne shook his head.

“Everytime we eat, we put different amounts of sugar into our bodies. Normally our bodies can control the amount of sugar that is burned up in energy, the amount that gets stored as fat to be used as energy later, and the amount that goes into our blood. But a diabetic cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood. If you eat or drink too much, then you can faint. If you eat or drink too little, then you can faint. If left untreated or you give the wrong treatment then the diabetic can go into a coma and die.”

“So what has Maggie got, too much or too little?”

“Too much, I think the champagne must have been too sweet for her. That and the stress of watching her fiancée with Inara.”

Jayne screwed up his fist, “When I get ma hands on that sha gua hun dan… ”

“Do you really think that will help?”

“No, but it’ll help me feel better just ta smack him ‘round some.”

“To get back to the patient… If she has too much sugar in her blood, she needs an insulin shot. Insulin is what we have in our bodies to control the sugar. It will bring the level of sugar in her blood down. If she has too little sugar in her blood, she needs to eat a very little of something sweet.”

“Like chocolate?”

“Exactly, chocolate, or cake or jam or honey. Anything really sugary, to get the sugar into her blood fast.”

Simon pushed a shot of insulin into Maggie’s arm. “She should wake up in few minutes, but I’m going to keep her in here for observation over night. These monitors will tell me if she is having trouble with her blood sugar levels again.”

He smiled as he saw Jayne sit down by her bed and hold her hand. “I won’t let that hun dan hurt ya again, Maggie girl,” he whispered.


Maggie woke up when she felt a hand on her forehead. It was dark and she could hear the sound of medical monitors. She was in the infirmary.

“Tom?” she asked.

“Shhh,” was all he said, his hand stroking her hair.

Reaching up she stroked his cheek, the stubble grazing her hand. She felt the warmth of his breath as he nuzzled his lips against the palm of her hand. Running her hand up behind his head, Maggie pulled him down to her eager lips.

At first he did not respond, then his lips started to press back. She felt him groan as he sat down on the bed and, slipping his hands behind her back, pulled her closer. She ran her tongue across his lips and he opened his mouth in response. With her hands she angled his head to deepen the kiss.

Damn! But he had never kissed her like this before, all open mouthed and eager. Their breathing grew heavier as lips and tongues kissed and caressed and sucked. Warm sighs brought chills across her face and neck, but when he began to move collar of the t-shirt she was wearing, she knew they needed to stop. Gently Maggie pushed against his chest and he pulled back.

She pressed one last kiss against his cheek as she whispered “Night, Darling. See you in the morning.”

He laid her gently on the bed and pressed a kiss on her forehead, “Night baby,” he whispered.


River woke up screaming.

Simon came rushing in with Kaylee close behind, “Mei-mei, what’s wrong.”

River sobbed and shuddered as Simon sat on the bed holding her and rocking her and Kaylee stroked her hair.

All she could say as the tears rolled down her face was “No, no, no.”

“Shhhh,” were the only words of comfort she could hear.


Maggie woke up with a smile on her face. Tom had come to her in the night to reassure her that she was the one he wanted.

“How is my patient feeling?”

“Just fine doctor. Thank you for treating me.”

“You’re welcome. How much do you remember from last night?”

“I remember getting dressed, and Tom spending most of the night with Inara. I remember dancing with Jayne and… did I faint?”

“Yes. Jayne carried you back to Serenity and I did a blood glucose test. I gave you insulin to bring you out of diabetic coma, you were lucky we found some. We should have been told, and I could have purchased insulin in New Londinium. But I managed to find some here in Osiris City.”

“Thank you, Doctor.

“I’ll do another blood glucose test, and if the level is normal, then you can go back to your bunk and go for breakfast. Be careful what you eat, and come to me if you feel any of the warning signs before you slip into another coma.”


To be continued...

Next Chapter: Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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