First Impressions: Part 1

Aug 10, 2006 22:08

Title: First Sight
Series Title: First Impressions
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: PG13
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1006
Summary: What Happened when Jayne and Kaylee first met
Warning: Full of Jaylee goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy this non-canon pairing.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

Organisational Post here.

bookishtype for making this banner for me.


First Sight

She’d never forget the day he came aboard Serenity.

It was a tough day. She had been struggling to get Serenity running smoothly. The Captain loved things to run smooth. Kaylee’d been up all night trying to straighten out the kinks.

Sighing with weariness, she ran her fingers over her face and through her hair, unconsciously smearing grease across her nose and forehead.


“Cap’n?” Standing up too quickly, Kaylee banged her head on the underside of Serenity’s engine. “Oooff!”

“Slow down there, lil Kaylee,” Mal teased, rubbing her head where she’d bumped it.

“What did ya want?” she asked, trying to clean her hands with an old rag.

“Got a new crew member to introduce y’all to.”

Kaylee tried to look past him to see who this mysterious new crew member was.

“Come to the galley in 15 minutes.”

“Shiny, Cap’n!”

“Ya might wanna take a look at ya face,” he smirked as he left.

Kaylee looked in tiny mirror she kept in the engine room. She tutted as she tried to rub the grease from her forehead and nose. “Ev’ry time I try ta make a good impression…”


Walking into the galley, Kaylee glanced over the people already gathered there.

Her eyes were drawn to a tall, well-built figure leaning against the counter, talking with the Captain.

Ai ya, he’s swai, she thought, glad that she’d cleaned up before coming down for the meeting. Never hurt to look your best, making a good first impression, her Daddy always said.

Glancing over he caught her stare and returned it with a frank and admiring glance of his own. He grinned and winked at her, never stopping his conversation with the Captain, lucky that Mal didn’t catch his flirtation.

Blushing, she glanced away, pretending to be deep in conversation with Inara.

“Mei-mei, are you alright?” Inara asked.

“ ‘Nara, I caught him starin’ at me.”

“I think that he caught you staring at him first.”

“He grinned and winked at me.”

“It’s a good start. Shows he’s interested.”

Kaylee grinned at the thought. She was real interested too. His eyes were the clearest blue. Ya could drown in ’em.

Mal cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “I called ya here to introduce ya to our newest crew member, gun hand and professional mercenary, Jayne Cobb.”

Jayne glared at the snigger escaping from Wash’s mouth and straightened up to intimidate the smart mouth. “Ya got a problem, lil man?”

Wash raised his hands in surrender, “No problem. Everything’s Shiny.”

“As ya can see, he’s a might sensitive about his name,” Mal warned his crew, “so no cracks, unless ya want to find ya self on the wrong side of one of his guns.”

“Jayne, ya’ve met Wash. This here’s Zoe, his wife, ma second in command. Inara is a Companion who travels with us, gets us a welcome on some planets we wouldn’t be able ta set foot on. She don’t service crew, and even if she did, she’d be outta ya league. Kaylee here is our genius mechanic.”

Mal face fell as he saw the way his newest crew member was sizing up the women on board.

“Don’t even go there, Jayne. I wanna warn ya that I don’t hold with shipboard romances. So I’m warnin’ ya now, don’t get no plans about romancin’ or sexin’ any of the women on my crew. ‘Sides, Zoe’s married, Inara’s a professional, and Kaylee, well Kaylee’s just outta bounds.”

Jayne continued to grin at Kaylee, who was blushing prettily under his gaze. Ai ya, he’d like ta get ta sexin’ her up good an’ proper! See how far that blush goes down…

“Okay, get back ta work. I ain’t payin’ ya ta stand around yakkin’,” the Captain told his crew. “I’m gonna give Jayne the ten credit tour.”

Kaylee watched Jayne follow the Captain out of the galley.

He didn’t walk; he swaggered, she thought, all fight and bluster, his muscles flexin’ as he moved. Clearly he was a man who enjoyed being watched by the opposite sex. With a grin, he flirted in a friendly but certainly not an innocent way. Yes, she definitely wanted to get to know him better….


Mal came to the end of Jayne’s Ten Credit Tour. “And this here’s Kaylee’s domain; the engine room. No one gets to come in here without knockin’ first. Kaylee gets the last say ‘bout who’s allowed in here, or not.”

“How’d a pretty lil thing like her get to be the mechanic on an ole broken down piece of go se like this?” Jayne asked.

“Don’t let her hear ya talk ‘bout Serenity like that. She’s here ‘cause she’s got a real way with machines. They talk ta her ‘bout what needs fixin’, she says. Serenity’s like her bao-bei. She won’t hear no one bad mouthing her girl.”

“But she’s barely old enough ta be outta school.”

Mal grinned. He’d have no trouble between Jayne and Kaylee if he kept opening his big mouth and spouting out such pi-hua. Kaylee would skin him alive if she heard him saying things like that ‘bout Serenity.

“I’m thinkin’ she’s a mite older than ya imagine.”

“She not outta her teens.”

“She’s in her mid-twenties.”

Jayne smirked, lost in his own thoughts about the mei li little mechanic.

“Jayne Cobb, if you lay one finger on that girl, I’ll throw ya outta the airlock faster than ya can spit. I promised that girl’s father that I’d look after her in his stead. You touch that girl, or harm on hair on her head, I swear I’ll…”

Jayne stood up straight, an intimidating 6” 4’, trying to out swagger the captain.

“Back down, or I’ll throw ya off right now.”

Jayne sighed and backed down. He’d save this fight for another day. He wasn’t gonna let a mei li lil thing like Miss Kaylee slip through his fingers. He’d just hafta be real subtle ‘bout it. He smirked. Sneaky and underhanded was somethin’ he knew a whole lot about.

To be continued….

Next Chapter: Waiting

first impressions, kaylee, jaylee, jayne

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