My internet access was fried by a lightning strike

Jul 28, 2006 13:02

Hey everyone who reads my fics,

There was a HUMONGOUS lightning storm last night, and it fried the adaptor of my broadband provider.

So no more live journal, unless I can borrow a friends (I'm using my sisters intenet access right now).

Rinalin, I won't be posting lots of little drabbles anymore, except on
ficlets100 and 
25_foods and of course my LJ...  Hope I didn't p*** you off too much, but I'm a newby to posting drabbles so I didn't know, BUT you should have told me already if you were so ticked off!!!! No one else has complained. They just enjoy my fics for what they are - a little bit of fun.)

Stay safe, and chat to you all (and be creative) again soon....

freak accident

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