Firefly - Prompt 10: Peanut Butter - Late Night Rendezvous

Jul 27, 2006 00:27

Title: Late Night Rendezvous
Author: Jayneswoman
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 017. Peanut Butter*
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Full of Jaylee sexiness. Is it getting hot in here?
Word Count: 692
Author’s Notes: Kaylee has a fun night planned with Jayne

Prompt table 1 from

Previous parts here.

Thanks to
bookaddict43 for helping when it just wasn't flowing and

meimei42 for your comment on the last chapter, Doctoring, on
jaylee_ship - it got me thinking, and this is the result.


Kaylee felt the nerves and excitement flutter like butterflies in her stomach. She’d been planning this night for weeks. She had bought some sexy underwear; made sure they both had the whole night to themselves, with no interruptions, and even borrowed some candles from Inara for atmosphere. She couldn’t wait to see his face.

There was a knock on the door. Kaylee finished lighting the candles, calling out, “Come down, Jayne.”

When he got to the bottom of the stairs, all he could do was stand and stare.

She took hold of his hands and led him to their bunk. Sitting him down, she turned around, showing off her sexy underwear: a silk camisole and French knickers. “Ya like?” she asked.

He nodded, a grin spreading across his handsome features. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her onto his lap, nuzzling her neck and whispering, “Ya so hua li, Kaylee, bao-bei.”

“Got another surprise for ya” she told him, reaching for a jar standing by the bunk.

“Peanut butter, ma favourite.” He looked around their bunk, puzzled, “What’re we gonna eat it off?”

Grinning, Kaylee dipped her finger into the jar, holding out a generous portion for him to taste. It felt like heaven, having him suck her finger clean. What else would he do with that talented mouth of his?

She pulled off his t-shirt, and he took off his boots and pants.

When Jayne looked up, Kaylee was lying on their bunk. He eagerly stretched out beside her.

Dipping her fingers in the jar again, she spread some peanut butter down her neck and into the valley between her breasts.

With a grin he began sucking it off her creamy skin. She gasped at the sensation of his lips, teeth and tongue sucking and biting her. Slipping off the spaghetti strap of her camisole, he lightly bit her soft shoulder.

Grabbing the jar, she plunged her fingers in, and spread the peanut butter across his chest and belly. She felt a groan rumble through him as she sucked and licked the creamy spread off his chest, teasing his nipples as she went. When she reached his belly button, she gave him a belly kiss. Jayne couldn’t help but chuckle at the amazing sensations she was creating as she caressed his body.

He slipped her camisole off, freeing her luscious breasts and leaving her in a pair of sexy French knickers, the swell of her pert butt just peeking out beneath. He spread peanut butter across her breasts and down her belly, and began sucking and licking it off. Kaylee groaned in pleasure as he teased and nuzzled, licked and sucked the tender skin of her nipples and the ticklish undersides of her breasts.

Kaylee gasped and sighed as Jayne kissed her way down her belly to the edge of her knickers. He slowly slid his fingers under the silky fabric, tantalisingly teasing the sensitive skin beneath. She lifted her hips, allowing him to slide her panties off.

Smoothing his hands across her inner thighs, he began to kiss her there, inching his way, achingly slow, to her core. His hands and tongue brought her to the edge of heaven and back, kissing, sucking and caressing her through wave after wave of pleasure.

Aching to have him inside her, she lightly tugged his hair, beckoning him back to her eager mouth. Sliding his boxers off his hips, she released his already straining John Thomas. She was amazed at how he could hold himself back from his own pleasure, until he was sure that she was satisfied.

“I want ya inside me now,” she ordered.

With a grin he was happy to oblige, reached his hand down to caress her sweet spot whilst sliding into her warm core. He rested there until he feel she was ready, then he began to move, taking them both through explosions of pleasure, again and again.

“Jayne,” Kaylee purred, shivering with intense pleasure. “That was amazing.” She gently stroked his cheek.

“MMmmm, Kaylee girl,” he agreed, pulling her close and pressing several soft kisses to her lips.

Exhausted, they fell asleep in each others arms.


Next Chapter: Old Home Remedies

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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