Firefly - Prompt 13: Honey - Doctoring

Jul 25, 2006 22:03

Title: Doctoring
Author: Jayneswoman
Character/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 013. Honey*
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Full of Jaylee sexiness. Flirt alert!!!! (Cussing in Mandrin with translations)
Word Count: 396
Author’s Notes: Jayne need some nursing and Kaylee is happy to oblige

Prompt table 1 from

Previous parts here.


As soon as Jayne sneezed, Kaylee’s hand went up to his forehead to feel for a temperature.

“Ya ‘kay, bao-bei?”

He could hear the concern in her voice, so he tried to brush it off.

“Just a bitty cold, Kaylee, ain’t nothin’ ta be concerned ‘bout.”

“Don’cha know, ev’rythin’ ‘bout ya concerns me now?” Kaylee teased.

She guided him over to a chair and pushed him down into it.

“You sit there, an’ I’ll fix ya some honey an’ lemon.”

Jayne smiled wearily, “Xie-xie, Kaylee girl.”

Kaylee looked up with a smile, “Ya welcome. Anythin’ fer ma man.”

He watched her prepare the soothing drink: cutting and squeezing the lemon, boiling the water and pouring in a generous dollop of honey. Ai ya, he got all hot and bothered watching her, no matter what she was doing.

“Penny for ya thoughts,” she asked.

Jayne blushed. “Just thinkin’ how all the doctorin’ I need’s a generous helpin’ of you.”

Kaylee turned a fetching shade of pink as she brought the home remedy over to her patient.

“Drink this down. It’ll ease your nose and soothe your throat.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” he teased, drinking it nice and slow.

As she began moving away, Jayne grabbed her, pulling her into his lap.

“What ya up to now?” she asked, a warning in her voice.

“Just thankin’ ma woman fer doctorin’ me,” he growled in Kaylee’s ear, sending shivers through her body.

“Thought ya said ya weren’t feelin’ too well…”

“Never said no such thing. I’m shiny. Now come ‘ere.”

He pressed soft kisses against her throat, smiling as she sighed in pleasure.

“Ya don’t want ta let ya drink get cold…”

“Don’t need no honey an’ lemon. Ya ma honey. Ya all the warmin’ I need.”

“Jayne,” she warned, turning in his arms. She kissed him on the lips and smiled. She knew just how to get him to do exactly what she wanted. “Now drink up, or ya won’t feel well enough fer what I got planned tonight.”

Jayne glanced up, a smile slowly spreading across his face. “What’cha got in mind?”

“Oh, wouldn’t ya like ta know?” she teased, whispering in his ear, “I got somethin’ new ta wear, I wanna see if ya like it.”

Jayne brought the mug up to his lips, praying he’d have enough strength for whatever she had prepared, later in their bunk.


Next Chapter:
Late Night Rendezvous

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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