Title: Gomer Society, Tributes and Cheese Summery: Josh wants to do something for Leo. Set during Santos Admin Please review Rating: Teen Characters: Josh, Donna, Sam, Pairing: Josh/Donna Spoilers: Series 7
Title: The Perfect Proposal Summery: Josh decides to propose to Donna and enlists Sam to help him but nothing goes to plan. Rating: Teen Characters: Josh, Donna, Sam, Santos, Annabeth, Jed Pairing: Josh/Donna Spoilers: Series 7 ( The Perfect Proposal )
Title: I'm Fine Summery: Josh gets sick but just how bad is it? Why is he so scared? Please read and review. Rating: Teen Characters: Josh, Donna Pairing: J/Dish Spoilers: Series 2ish Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own any of the characters