Hahahaha I have finally found a way to fool a system that was sending me spam emails
If you used to be a "let me look around but not join" member of a site such as freelotto dot com and all of sudden you got approximately 3k spam every 2 days *which I get like 400 spams within 3 hours to my junk box" that is not funny.
I took the liberty to look about freelotto if it is worth to keep my email there so I found alot of information that freelotto is a spam site to get money from you hehe
Check out
http://www.ripoffreport.com and it tells you all about freelotto EVEN tells you how better business bureau really works. Did you know that BBB rips you off too with out letting you know such as you are not sure if you wanna invest in a company so you check out the company first on BBB and it doesn't show up so you call the BBB to be double sure and they assure you that that company has been around for 20 years which they just started 2 years ago and you lose your investment after something went wrong. BBB rips you off by lying to you. It explains about it more so go there and look! it really helps me with alot of stuff and I am surprised / amazed about how low BBB will go!
So anyways, go to your accounts where you get alot of spams and change your email and your information to BS stuff like your email is upyours9_3004 at yahoo.com and BS address with another zip code and phone number is 000-000-0000 and click "don't send me emails" and then you are off to a good life of no spams! or even less ! :D I got rid of that one spam and working on the rest of other BS emails and get rid of them once and for all! find the source that sends your email through the system. :)
Pleased for now