Switch! *snap*

Mar 05, 2017 15:27

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild first impresssions:

In Breath of the Wild, Link has really unbelievable climbing ability, kind of like how Mario has his patently unbelievable jumping power.  It's incredible, both in the sense of not being credible and also in the sense of being wonderful.  Walls, trees, cliffs; Link can scale nearly everything in the game, and there are goodies and shortcuts to be had wherever you decide to climb.  The game has this intense verticality to it that encourages you to try to scale EVERYTHING, and it has an incredible freedom.

I feel like the climbing is a metaphor for the rest of the game.  That sense of freedom and exploration permeates everything.  It really does feel like a throwback to the original Legend of Zelda, except so much grander in scale.  Breath of the Wild feels like an extension of (and expansion of!) the design philosophy of Link Between Worlds, which is definitely the best Zelda game sinceLink to the Past... and maybe better thanLink to the Past.

I'll let you know if my opnion changes by the time I finish the game.


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