Introverts, Extroverts, and Introspectives

Feb 05, 2017 20:21

I have a very love-hate relationship with the concept of people.  I'm a pretty simple case.  I'm a 10-0 Introvert.  I do not gain energy from being around people.  Even if the people are doing something I love, like participating in a 24-hour gaming marathon.

(We participated in Extra Life this past year, by the way.  That was really cool.  We stayed up 24 hours playing cooperative video games, and a bunch of people came over throughout the day to support us.  Planning to do it again this year)

We've been hiding from people, trying to recharge our batteries from the big ball of stress that 2016 ended up being.  I don't think Steph's batteries are full yet, but she's already getting itchy for human company.  I never know when to encourage her to hide (like me) or reach out to folks.

(One of the reasons I haven't done as much journalling in the past few years is that I feel like Stephanie is the interesting one in our relationship, and she doesn't always like it when I journal about her. :) )

Me, I'm just hard to get to know because I'm so introverted.  I like people in the abstract, and I like specific individuals, but interacting with people is so messy and strange and painful for an asocial person like me.  Alcohol never served as a disinhibitor for me; I mean it works, but I'm not accustomed to it and even drunk I'm still not good at chatting with people.  Board games became a bridge too, but nowadays I spend much more time teaching people how to play a game instead of getting into the zone and making it a bonding experience.

That's what originally turned me to journaling; it became a wonderful way for me to interface with friends without all the awkwardness that is JAYMARK.  I miss that.  I miss my friends reading my journals and getting that deeper understanding of me; I miss reading my friends' journals and getting closer to them.  In the world of Facebook, I'm it appears personal journalling is a wave of the past, but I can always dream.

I've got much further to go if I actually aim to hit 52 posts this year.  Make them short and sweet.  Short and sweet.  I've just gotta hit my stride. Let's see what else I can do.

alcohol, nostalgia, board games, lj

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