Justin Case, Top Secret Agent

Mar 17, 2008 15:12

Right. St. Patrick's Day. I think I wore my green work shirt last week; oh well. Compared to my birthday, the Green Day is kind of a letdown. I usually remember it in context of my birthday, so after my birthday I usually forget about it completely. That often led to pinching agony back in my primary school days.

For a few years, there was green in my glasses, but that usually didn't deter anyone.

Fortunately, nobody cares about that at work, and only a third of the people around here have green on. That's fine by me.

So yeah, birthday weekend was good. Stephanie made me chicken and rice, she took me out for ice cream, we took my parents out for good Chinese, and Mom baked me a cake and sent us home with brownie cupcakes. Good foodness.

Stephanie fussed a lot over me, which always makes me happy, and she came up with a cute little puzzle for me to ponder regarding birthday presents (though I suck at anagrams, so she ended up showing me how to solve it). I have the new Advance Wars game now, as well as a copy of the old role playing game Top Secret, which I really want to play with.

Top Secret is an espionage RPG that runs on a percentile dice system, with some novel (if a little obtuse) stat calculations. The hand-to-hand combat system sucks, but the projectile combat and other kinds of spy-stuff are fairly elegantly handled. Also, experience is gained by doing mission activities more easily than by killing mobs, and levels don't make your character godly strong, either. Also, it's quite easy to die under a hail of gunfire. Supposedly, the guns aren't accurately modelled at all, but I don't know any better.

Wedding stuff is starting to come together. We haven't forgotten about it.

relationships, nostalgia, family, milestones, gaming diary

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