May 26, 2007 10:34
I've had some weird dreams lately.
A week or so ago, I dremt that Mom, Dad, Stephie and I were visiting my grandparents, and while we were all outside, a deer wandered up to us and snuggled up in my lap. After a minute, it got up and went inside the house. 'Twas strange.
Last night, I dremt that I was working for some guy who had discovered that an apocalyptic flood/ice storm was coming (I guess kind of like Day After Tomorrow), and we were trying to protect his research from this rich guy in a suit who was either profiting from keeping it quiet, or was actually responsible for causing the storm--either way, he was trying to destroy the evidence. So a group of us were dashing around this compound, trying to prepare for the storm while simultaneously fending off his lackeys.
This morning, I had a dream that Stephanie, myself, and a few other people I don't remember were paramilitary people trying to defend some big city from monsters or invaders or something--I don't remember much of that one.
Mom and Dad are off in Kansas City this weekend, so I have the run of the place. It's peaceful... And kinda boring. But I like a little boring.