Okay, Spring Break...
The first half of the week I spent in St. Louis with Stephie and her Dad. Stephie and I made a detour to the Pokemon Card Game State Tournament, where we did quite horribly, but not last place. We'll just leave it at that. :D Stephie and I both got one win and five losses, and of course I had to play against two Kirksvillians out of six matches. The other Kirksvillians did a little better. But I won a deck box as a door prize and it was nice to see other people as fired up about Pokemon (or moreso?) as we are.
With Stephie and her Dad, we played Aquire. I also saw Day After Tomorrow. It was nice to spend a little more time with him, and I also hung out with her sister Tina for a little while.
We spent the second half of the week in Columbia with my Mom and Dad. I did a lot of chores, like taxes and renewing my Driver's License. Saturday, we went to a gaming club in Columbia that my Dad has been visiting off and on lately, but I didn't get a chance to look up anybody from Columbia. Saturday night, Stephie met my Mom's "other parents" and we got a huge engagement meal that was a lot of fun.
At Valhalla's Gate, Stephie bought a card game called Chiamo and I bought a game called Oshi. Chiamo we haven't tried yet, but Oshi is a two-player game that seems to have a level of complexity between Checkers and Chess. We both like it.
Also, today, I got a package in the mail from
logopolys. He sent me the board game Puerto Rico and its card game cousin, San Juan. He called it a "birthday/engagement/fellow-gamer present." I can't wait to give them a spin! Thanks, Sean!