All that we had, is now just a mistake

Jan 12, 2009 09:34

I know, I know - real update coming relatively soon...
In the meantime, just some random musings of my non-sensical mind.

* Snow storms a plenty for me this year.  My town SUCKS ASS at keeping the roads clear.  After a storm on Saturday night, we had another inch this morning.  As I am driving to work, it comes to me.  The roads IN to my town are clear, the roads OUT are for shit.  It's like the Hotel California!  You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave!
* Aluminum cans left on the porch in sub-freezing temperature do not fare well.  In fact, those fuckers will explodes shooting brown slush all over the porch.  The tops will LITERALLY pop off, bust through the cardboard and spray.  The sounds leads one to believe that the neighborhood rugrats have thrown snowballs at your porch.  Alas, they have not.
* For future reference, the term HOT MESS does not mean that you are HOT and a mess.  No folks, a hot mess is someone or something that is such a mess... the level of it, is off of the charts. It's to the point you almost have to walk away to keep from bustin a gut. I feel the need to clarify the term as I use it often, and someone misunderstood me...
* When cleaning out the fridge, you and your roommate may have once thought is was AWESOME that your women will cook for you...however, the leftovers have to be disposed of in a timely fashion.  Not doing so causes much laughter and gagging in the kitchen on a Saturday afternoon.
* Additionally, while cleaning out the fridge on a Saturday afternoon, disposing of old eggs should only be done in one manner.  Toss them in the garbage disposal.  It's fun, they make a fun noise, and when you rapid fire toss them in there - if you have the sense of humor of 12 yo boys (as both my roommate and myself do) you almost be in tears laughing....and contemplate tossing the GOOD eggs down the disposal too...
* Apparently, from what I am told, having a glass of wine and a bag of potato chips is NOT classy.  *shrug* I grew up in the projects people, I have a different idea of classy.
* Big changes in my life recently - and the more things change, the BETTER I feel.
This concludes my random musings for today...
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