Return of the Girl Cooties - Cora Buhlert with another good roundup about sexism in SF, with a lot of commentary.
France to seek ban on Amazon bundled discounts, free delivery - Huh. (Via
Living With Cancer: Seeking Intimacy - Yup. Sigh.
Choice of Health Plans to Vary Sharply From State to State - (Thanks to Dad.)
Perigee's Full Moon - A lovely APOD photo of moonrise over the Temple of Poseidon.
Some beautiful kinetic art from the Netherlands - (Via AH.)
China’s Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million Into Cities - That's some massive social engineering there. (Via Dad.)
Ruins of Maya City Discovered in Remote Jungle - I think it is so cool that there are still lost cities in this GPS-enabled, satellite-mapped world.
Stalking world's biggest planes makes for photos that say 'wow' The Fighter Jet Take-Off Platform - This be some weird shit, Maynard.
U.S. Special Forces Turn To Electric Motorcycles For Stealth This Man Wants To Power The World With Tornadoes - Fueled by farmhouses?
The MEMO Project - A memorial to lost species. (Via H-.)
Marijuana Crops in California Threaten Forests and Wildlife HPV Vaccine Is Working. Again. - Vaccination denialism is particularly horrible, because it brings risk and harm to the children of the deniers as well as everyone else. Climate change denialism, for contrast, is a more generally harmful form of willful idiocy that doesn't have much direct correspondence with outcomes in the deniers personal life.
Annals of Surveillance: The Prism - Privacy in an age of publicity. (Via
NSA Secrecy and Personal Privacy - (Via David Goldman.)
The Real Reason You're Mad at the NSA - On strategic intelligence as a national attribute. (Via
Lisa Costello.)
U.S. Immigration Services Believes an Atheist Can’t Be an Conscientious Objector? - Well, you know, atheists can't be trusted. What with their long history of burning people at the stake, slave labor in the Magdalen laundries, widespread coverups of pedophilia, hypocrisy on abortion and poverty, spirited defenses of slavery, segregation and gender-based discrimination, and so forth, atheists can't hold a candle to the virtues of religious folk. Wait, what…? (Via
For One Gay Christian, a Search for Understanding While Hanging on to Faith Religious right will hold breath, turn blue, if DOMA overturned - “We will not stand by,” the statement harrumphs. But, actually, yes, yes they will. Standing by is exactly what they will do because that is all they can do. This doesn’t affect them. It does not harm them - it neither picks their pockets nor breaks their legs. It doesn’t compel them to do anything. It doesn’t compel them not to do anything. They are by-standers to something happening elsewhere, to other people.
Family Policy Institute of Washington Misrepresents Facts in a Child Rape Case - Pretty sure this guy is down with the Biblical verses about homosexuality, yet considers himself exempt from the Ten Commandments. Either that or American Bibles obviously have a footnote to the commandment against bearing false witness which exempts lies told about Planned Parenthood. (Via
Slacktivist Fred Clark.)
Controversial GOP NH Rep. Tremblay resigns - Tremblay alleges Marathon bombing may have been faked. Apparently the New Hampshire GOP did the right thing here. If only she'd been in the US House where conservative lunacy is apparently a job requirement, Rep. Tremblay would be a folk hero rather than an outcast. (Via
Slacktivist Fred Clark.)
So When will Dick Cheney be charged with Espionage? His Crime was the Same as Snowden’s - It's not treason when Republicans do it.
Illinois GOP Pol Calls Black Female Candidate A ‘Street Walker’ - Because conservatism. Are you proud of your Republican party?
QotD?: Does anybody remember laughter?
Writing time yesterday: 0.5 hours (a bit of WRPA, otherwise my day got eaten by logistics)
Hours slept: 10.25 hours (solid)
Body movement: 0.5 hours (stationary bike)
Weight: 249.4
Number of FEMA troops on my block installing Islamic footwashing sinks: 0
Currently reading: Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program by Sharon Salzberg; I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett