The voting poll for the Endurance caption contest will be open for another day or two A reviewer talks about swords and sorcery in sub-Sahara Africa - Holds up Mainspring as a negative example of 19th century attitudes. Except Mainspring is in large part about 19th century attitudes, so from my perspective, it's an odd critique. And though it's not germane to either reading or critiquing the book, I did in fact spend some years of my life living in sub-Saharan Africa. As always, the story belongs to the reader.
A reader responds to Mainspring - They liked it, a lot.
Lessons From the Gutenberg Bible for Publishers Going Digital - Gutenberg's reward for the invention of the printing press was financial ruin, but others figured out a unique way to keep the printing business afloat.
HG Wells or Enrique Gaspar: Whose time machine was first? A Start-Up's Camera Lets You Take Shots First and Focus Later - Interesting.
More from Tech Review. (Via David Goldman.)
St. Jude Postdoc Faked Images - A former postdoctoral researcher at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital fudged images published in two papers, one of which has since been retracted. Faking cancer research results... I have no words.
As arctic ice shrinks, so does a denier claim - You know, reality wouldn't have a liberal bias in the first place if conservatives didn't insist on ideological counterfactuals over actual data.
Despite horses and buggies, Amish aren't necessarily 'low-tech' Bible condemns a lot, so why focus on homosexuality? - Bigotry, pure and simple. If this was about the written word of God, the Christianists would be campaigning just as vigorously to ban shrimp, mixed fabrics and crop rotation. (Via
Quench Not the Spirit - Slacktivist Fred Clark on the doctrine of Hell. This is inside baseball for a part of the culture that isn't my game, but I still find it pretty interesting.
Christian Faith Requires Accepting Evolution - I have no objection to people denying evolution if that's their interpretation of their faith. What I have enormous objection to is people projecting the deliberate irrationalities and counterfactuals of their faith onto the political and social landscape, as if a personal opinion could substitute for reality.
Surprise! Bachmann Supports Creationism in Schools - Apparently she thinks this is a scientific issue of reasonable doubt. Repeat after me: Just because you believe it doesn't mean it's true.
Michele Bachmann's Holy War - The Tea Party contender may seem like a goofball, but be warned: Her presidential campaign is no laughing matter Yes, Virginia, the GOP's deliberate fostering of the crazy in their base to drive votes does have consequences.
"Gooble, gooble, one of us!" - Digby on conservative pacifism.
Journalists Reportedly Outnumber Voters At Huntsman’s GOP Campaign Events - Your Liberal Media, fluffing Republicans every day.
?otD: Ever eaten live eel soup?
Writing time yesterday: 2.0 hours (Kalimpura revisions, plus a little WRPA)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 6.75 hours (solid)
Weight: 230.2
Currently (re)reading: A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin