Aug 10, 2002 13:52
Well, I'm moved in. Scary. In the midterm, I've already been employed (only 2 nights a week tho), and have made not only new friends, but re-connected with old. P left this morning to drive back to Mil after spending a week here with me helping me to get settled. It's so scary and weird. I'm exhausted. Looks like I'm also getting to Dom again at the bar that I worked at before. Don't know if I'm up for it, but I'll give it a few weeks and see how I feel. Easy money. Snort.
Mom's b-day was last night and we had a lovely time, me, P, Del (mom's boyfriend - hmmm, still on the fence about him), my brother and his wife. It was amazing. Super dinner, jazz, and catching up. It's good to be home.