
Jul 22, 2002 00:02

Midnight - wanted to be in bed asleep by 11. Alas. Am having anxiety attacks again , for the first time since I left my husband. Freaked out totally. I leave town on August 3rd. So soon, after so much planning. Everything is packed except for my record collection and my winter jackets (all that yummy leather still sitting out). Was a good bunny and vacuumed and swept after the big bed and china cabinet moved out. P freaked a little, when he was helping me. Called Mom when I was taking a break (I looked like I had jumped into a swimming pool after 20 minutes of moving) and she pulled some shit on me. Asked me who was helping me move and I said K who helped me move out here and P who was taking a week off to see Mpls. D and S are also helping. She asked about P, as when she was in Mil, I said he was my best friend here and remembered that. Asked if anything was going on. WHY CAN'T A GIRL HAVE A BEST FRIEND THAT IS A BOY AND NOT GET QUESTIONED ABOUT IT???? P has been there for me thru everything and gotten me tattooed with the midwest coffin and held my hand when I cried so therefore we are fucking according to everyone who isn't in my bedroom. I tell A. my girlfriend here whose house I'm staying at everything and people assume that WE aren't sleeping together. Why don't people think that I may have jumped the fence and started sleeping with girls? J actually asked me before we seperated if I was seeing C, a girl that called me a lot. So my current best friend is a boy therefore we must be fucking.

I hate people.
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