Aug 28, 2002 02:38
Don't know where to start. Got sick on Saturday evening while I was at work. Missed going to Renfest with Mom on Sunday, as I was still a wreck. Worked on Monday, not well, but hawking down saltines and chicken soup during my shift and trying not to pass out. Good thing, my friend Brian, a photographer for rock bands wants to hang out and maybe talk about doing shoots, just for shits and giggles for both of us. Dang. He's done Marilyn Manson and the Luna Chicks. I've known him forever, but can't remember if I slept with him 10 years ago or not. Not that it matters. Still sick, but made it to the State Fair with my girlfriend. Wonderful time. She convinced me to go on some rollercoaster rides and I didn't puke. Yay me! (no, really, that was not sarcastic). Ate a lot of fried cheese and other crap and feel great. Maybe my body was craving fried foods, who knows. Also had a really long talk about divorce (she was getting divorced around the time that I had my wedding), and I think that helped a lot. Whew. Stitch and Bitch Minneapolis starting on the 8th of September. I'm horribly excited and very nervous. Wish me luck...
On the other hand, I'm away from boys (they don't want to touch a girl in the middle of a divorce, and painfully missing that, um, er, let's just call it "contact"......) GAR.