more on the dentist

May 02, 2005 23:07

know I remember why I hate the dentist. every time I go, something is wrong. like 4 cavities in one checkup wrong, or we have to pull one of your wisdom teeth wrong.

this time, it's "root canal" wrong. I have an absessed tooth. it's actually rather nasty. it was all pus-y and my gum was swelling up like a big pimple in my mouth. So the dentist drills into my tooth and drains it and I'm on meds for a week. then next week I go back for the real thing. then in like 3 months I go back again and she can see if I have to go to an oral surgeon.

Oh and I have three little cavities that need to be filled but my dental insurance has a cap on it and guess what is going to use up this years money. too bad dental insurance doesn't have rollover.

So I guess it's back to a second job for me. At least until the tv season kicks back up. i suppose waiting tables 3 lunches a week wouldn't be that bad. course I still have to get that job but I'm off tomorrow so I can go apply.

oh and remember that casting call with the full voice mail box. still full. hopefully tomorrow he'll bother to empty it so I can call in.
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