a bit of good luck for me

May 06, 2005 14:02

A mystery shopper, for those that don't work retail, is an undercover evaluator. A MS is sent into a store to pretend to be a regular customer, asking questions and buying things, to evaluate a stores customer service practices. Companies do this under the theory that when a company bigwig is around, the employees will be on their best behavior. But when the cat is away, the employees show their typical nature. The idea is that the mystery shopper has a list of things that should be said/done and they grade the store on whether each item is covered and how fully.

so yesterday at work, the bosses get our shop report. Turns out that we were shopped in late March but just got the score now. And guess who one of the employees of record was. Yep. Yours truly. I was the one that rang up the customer. And for the record, I was 100/100 on my part of the score. too bad my fellow employees failed getting all their points so we ended with a 90%. still this was better than the stores in the district that scored like a 60 (anything below 80 is failure and can cost the store employees serious points on their raise review). So my boss was very happy. especially since that was right after she took over as interim general manager (a job she wants for good) and it reflects very well on her.

With luck, this is a sign of things to come for me in the future. We shall see. In the meantime, keep those fingers crossed please. Ciao
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