NBC killing off Kidnapped

Nov 01, 2006 16:26

yeah I haven't been talking here much at all cause I switched to a new personal website. but for those that are still around, I promised to post this for a friend.

if you are a fan, please post it also and spread the word

NBC is pulling the plug on the show and only going to air the eps on the website. many fans are not happy about this, the cancellation etc and are trying to get their voices heard before all is lost and the cast and writers cut loose.

please post this on your page and bulletin it to all friends.

fans are asking that everyone email NBC both via their feedback form (http://www.nbc.com/Footer/Contact_Us/ and then hit kidnapped on the drop box) and directly to the following addresses nbcshows@nbc.com, nbc_support@rresults.com, jon.joebgen@nbcuni.com, Bob.Wright@nbcuni.com, Beth.Comstock@nbcuni.com, Randy.Falco@nbcuni.com

praise the show and let them know, politely, that you watched and that you are dismayed by the cancellation etc. let them know that you would continue to watch the show for years to come if they would keep it on the air.

also, fans are trying to dig up snail mail addresses for NBC and Sony TV to postcard them right away as well

if anyone has access to such addresses, please post it on the NBC board boards.nbc.com/nbc/index.php?showforum=69 or go to http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=KnappHead and send the info to Chris and he'll make sure it gets posted.
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