criminal minds fic: Back on Track

Nov 29, 2005 17:49

title: Back on Track
Author: JayeR
Spoiler: Post Derailed
Category: Reid/Greenway
Rating: PG
Note: This is totally unbeta'd so I will not be insulted if you notice any errors in fact, grammar etc.

Summary: After being a hero, Reid makes a confession.


Elle looked up to find Reid standing in the doorway.

"So you got a clean bill of health?"

"I told all of you that I was fine. And how did you get out of the little field trip."

"I wasn't smacked in the face. This time."

"Good point."

Reid held out Elle's jacket. They walked down the hall in silence.

Reid stopped just short of the door. Elle could see Hotch standing by a car outside, the others were probably already at the airport, waiting to go home.

"Something wrong?"

"I lied to you." Reid said plainly.

"About what?"

"About the things I said to Bryars. You asked me if I was telling him the truth, if I was walking about myself and I told you no."

"But that was a lie?"

Reid nodded. "Ever since I can remember, even when I was just four or five years old, I would see things and just know the answer. It was like someone was whispering it in my ear. As I got older, there were more and more whispers coming faster and faster. It was like I was on a roller coaster that wouldn't stop. By the time I was ten, I was in high school, taking advanced courses and even taking a few college classes at night and during the summer."

"Must have been hard having any friends."

"What friends? The kids my age thought I was a freak and the kids older than me, well they thought I was a freak too. Only they could have fun stuffing the scrawny little freak into his locker."


"My parents sent me to a therapist every week. An hour after school every Friday. Just someone I could talk to, make sure the stress wasn't too much." Reid blushed. "I was pretty much a nervous wreck back then. Worse than now."

"I think I'd be a wreck too, if I was in those shoes."

"Gideon was the first person I ever felt comfortable around, other than my parents. I guess that's why I accepted his offer to join the team instead of staying in the lab."

"You were a lab tech?"

"I joined the FBI to work forensics. Sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed there."

"I don't. It amazes me to remember that you've only been an agent for three years and you pulled off something like today with no one dying on your watch."

"I was utterly terrified the whole time. I actually thought I might throw up right in the middle of everything."

"I had a couple of moments like that myself. Especially when Bryars had his gun pointed at you and I couldn't do anything about it."

"You aren't the only one that thought I was walking into my death." Reid laughed half heartedly. "But that wasn't what really scared me. I knew the odds were I would screw up and get myself killed but it was worth it for a chance to save the rest of you. What scared me the most was facing Bryars. Looking at him was like looking into a mirror, seeing what I could have become, what I still might one day."

"No way, Reid."

"The number of incidents of mental disorder in persons with an IQ over 150 is --"

"Reid, shut up, would you?" Elle thumped him in the back of the head. "Do you honestly think that something like that could happen to you with a bunch of stubborn folks like us watching your back?"

"I --" Elle lifted her hand again. "I guess not."

"Exactly. Now can we please go home."

"After you."



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