May 31, 2016 03:50
All I asked, was for my workspace to be respected, according to policy and procedure, and for others not to come in and do their work in my footprint. I have had to fight, argue, and debate why I feel this way and won't let them do what they want. I have already been on the receiving end of looking bad when they have not listened or followed procedure & I'm trying to protect myself. In return I have been bullied, accused of doing a bad job, when I finally saw what the guy was bitching about it wasn't even anything I had done, then he wanted to give me advise on how to do something better that I didn't do in the first place & the method he suggested, I already tried and didn't work for me. Since I didn't give in, and do as HE wants, the way HE wants, I am the anti-social asshole and I am on my own.
We always started in the same spot every night. I was between two women, and for whatever reason, he started taking one of their spots. He criticizes my work, hates the way I won't let him in my space, yet he puts himself in place to be right next to me.
Now the only person I really talked to, because she sought me out, is cuddling up next to him and ignoring me.
...and I'm the asshole