Jan 25, 2010 09:59
Dear New York:
You are on notice. I mean it this time - I will fire your ass and take off for warmer climes and lower taxes. Seriously, people: it's nearly February and 60 mothertrucking degrees out. That shit falling from the sky? They're not meteors, they're raindrops. Enough with the Chicken Little shit- the sky is not falling and you will not melt. Remember when Sister Mary Joseph said you'd go blind if you didn't quit that? Yeah, she was lying too. Modern opthamology says there is absolutely no correlation and you're more likely to develop some sort of repetitive motion injury so for fuck's sake people -
I have absolutely no idea how those two connect but it was really funny in my head, I swear.
On a related note, anyone in this state who is looking to have children at any point should probably do their shopping for a breeding partner elsewhere. I'm detecting alarming levels of retardation around these parts.
On a totally unrelated point, there's a lot of bad going on out there in the world. I know for a fact that a lot of the people I care about are hurting or going through difficult times. I just want to put it out there that I am aware, and I care, even if I don't have the chance to say it very often. I'm not God, but if I could I would hold all of you in the palm of my hand, and shelter you from this storm.