Oct 17, 2010 22:24
So, kudos to me for utterly failing at the 30 day challenge. I think it's been 30 days since I last posted, so... Does that count? I equally became afraid of coming on here and checking to see what my friends had posted because I didn't want to be reminded of my failure. I still haven't checked... I'll get over my fear as soon as I finish writing this little update! I love it when I get the time to just pick up the pieces of my room that I let get horribly scattered around the place as a result of a few lazy days of my life in the week. It's currently tidy and organized and I've just washed my sheets and I'm waiting for my comforter to get out of the washing machine so I can shove that onto my bed. I've got a cup of tea and I'm on my computer and I feel very... calm. When I close my door it almost feels like I've got my own little place away from the rest of the house. There have been a few times that I've considered asking to turn the basement into a basement apartment with the new fridge down there, but I also fear that I will have to start paying rent at the same time, so it's a great fall back to my plan. I miss living on my own. It has its ups and downs. Anyways, I thought I'd give a few updates on a few things that I've been a little excited about... Things are finally starting to look up. A little...
- Had a job interview at Chapters. In all honesty, I don't think I'm going to get it. It was a group interview and some bitch named Ribena was better than I was in the interview and I wanted to smack her in the face. They asked to give an example of a difficult customer and how you handled the situation and she told a story about how she had a knife pulled on her when she worked at Purdy's chocolates because they were sold out of the hedgehogs. Srsly. How the fuck am I supposed to beat a knife story? Oh well... I put out a lot of applications in the mall a while ago so HOPEFULLY I'll get a call back from someone who will be looking to hire for some Christmas help.
- I've got election training this week! I've applied/been hired to work as a poll clerk at the municipal election that's coming up next week! I've got a manual that I've got to go through that explains my duties, but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to be sitting there all day long and doing a whole lot of nothing. BUT I get $175.00 out of it, so it's not a bad deal for sitting my ass in a building for a day, as opposed to sitting it at home.
- I'm currently doing up a resume for a potentially GOOD job opportunity... Bronte Creek Provincial Park is hiring for a Gate Staff Supervisor/Revenue Clerk for next year. It'll be a 42 week contract, full time, and I'd be making double what I made at Darlington for working at just the gate staff. My supervisor from Darlington emailed me the job posting and has very kindly offered to help me put together my resume and give me some basic training on the things that I don't know how to do that would be part of a job and prep me for the interview... She says that she thinks that I would be perfect for the job and that she has confidence that I can do it. Here's hoping that she's right. I am so happy that she's being nice enough to do all of this for me and she's really been helpful so far. I've talked to her about putting together my resume and it seems like it's going to be a long process... bigger than any resume that I've ever written before. She's just sent me a 24-page document that I've still got to read over, but it's tips about putting your resume together... words you should drop and that sort of thing, so I need to glance at that before I get too much further with the writing process. So... it's a potentially good thing and I think would be a drastic change on my life if I were to get it. I'd be moving to Oakville for a start... My dad seems very worried about that possibility and seems to think that I haven't considered that I would have to move out to work there. It's one of the perks of the job, I'd say... :) Anyways, this is a working progress and I can only wish right now.
- Another birthday is coming up and another concert seems to be in order. I'm not exactly all that thrilled about it to be honest. Great Big Sea are coming to Oshawa and are actually having a concert ON my birthday, which is a Monday night. My sister was really thrilled and was going on about it for a while and my dad offered to get us tickets to see them - one ticket would be my birthday present, the other would be Lisa's for when her birthday comes in February. Her eyes lit up in a way that made it impossible to say no... It'll be nice though. I like getting to spend time with Lisa. I could convince her to get dinner before the concert and just have a nice evening out with her. I feel really guilty though... I bought tickets for my grandma to go see the Terracotta Army at the ROM today and I instantly became very envious. I have been dying... absolutely dying to see this. She had a promo code to get $5 off - if you're considering going, buy your tickets online and use the code LOBLAW2010 and you get $5 off! - so Grandma, being as technologically incapable as she is, had be come over and buy tickets for her, my grandad and my uncle, who are going next Saturday. I went home and instantly started to look online for ticket prices and to see when the best time I could go was... I was going to try to convince Lisa to go with me on a Wednesday evening after 3:30pm, since the tickets go on for 50% off. I sort of let it drop to my mom that I sort of wanted to go and that I would have rather got tickets to go to the museum over the GBS concert and that I would sort of like it if maybe someone would go with me. So today we booked tickets for the same day that my grandmother is going and my mom is coming with me. She paid for them... I feel really bad about this. Money is going to start getting really tight for me so I don't want to have to ask them for anything or spend money on useless items while they're paying for things for me... For example, tomorrow I'm going to the dentist and I owe them $230 for a cleaning and a cavity filling, since I'm not insured and it's not covered anymore. Then they offered to pay for me to get my hair done, since it hasn't been done since the spring and now the tickets... I'm going to have to clean like mad for the next little while :( Despite this... I can't deny that I'm not extremely excited about going to see the army... Like... SO excited. I feel like my mother half-agreed to go since she had had a couple of glasses of wine... she usually makes promises and things like this after she's had a few, but she's bought the tickets so I suppose there is no going back for her now. She doesn't do things like the Subway, so I'm going to have to hold her hand/drag her on them to get to the museum. It'll make it easier for her that I know where we're going, but she's still going to be nervous.
That's my new/exciting things for now! If I can sneak a few pictures of the army I shall and post one on here XD