About a girl and her ankle and work.

Sep 10, 2008 15:55

So the last post was about school; this one is about the health stuff.

I have a spot on my left leg that has been there for getting closer to a year. It has been a dark color with lighter spots in the middle. It has been peeling for a while now. Some days it hurts, most days it does not. I am not sure what this could be. I had at one point authorization to see a dermatologist but I lost the paper so it's prolly expired by now. I need to get another one of those.

I also have a mass in my left ankle. All around the ankle part there is bruising and a rash where I was using heating pads. It has been steadily getting worse. Originally it starting hurting only if I walked on it all day. As time has gone on, however, the pain has started much sooner. I am now at the point where it can hurt even when I'm not going anywhere. Two weekends ago I made breakfast for Ken and I (1/2 hour). I had to lay down for 4 hours after that because it was hurting.

I have a biopsy for the ankle mass on Monday. I check in at 7:15am, with the surgery supposedly at 9:30. I'm being put under general anesthesia. Ken's taking the day off to take me and bring me home. If I can say my name (aka if I'm coherent) I will be going to class, and he'll be going with me/taking me. Mom's trying to say I'm not going to be in classes for a week, but it'll be a cold day in a warm place before I miss that many classes.

The specialist doing the biopsy does not like the bruises on my leg/ankle nor the MRI and Xray pictures, so he said he needed the biospy done right away - I took the first appointment. He is the first doctor to really specify concern over the various bruises. He said the mass could be anything - an infection, a rheumatoid arthritis mass (which is what the original doctors said it seemed consistent with), or even cancer. I've gone over in my head all the various scenarios, so I hope I'm semi-prepared for whatever the answer is.

I really just want to find out what is wrong already. I want to be able to walk normally again.

There is also on the left foot, at the top and near the toes, a bruised spot that is very tender and can't handle pressure/being hit. The skin over the toes is scaly. I'm at the point of not wearing tennis shoes (even though I should because I need the support) because with the swollen foot it really presses on the spot and there isn't really enough support for the ankle.

I also want to be able to work. As things are with the left leg, I can't stand very long or walk any appreciable distance. I don't feel comfortable trying to find a job under those circrumstances. 1) I can't wear heels/shoes to an interview, 2) I can't wander all over the world as I try to get to multiple places, 3) I can't do any job that requires standing/moving, 4) I can't sit in one place long enough, 5) I just don't know what's wrong so I don't know what kind of treatment I'll need to have.

I want to be fixed and stop being a burden on people. I want to clean my freaking house.

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