{Story} Lies

Oct 18, 2007 17:51

Perhaps this is all about deception.

Perhaps, as you sit here reading this, someone else is saying something full of untruths. It need not be to you, or even about you, though the narcissistic nature of humanity does enjoy thinking our measly lives actually mean something. The world is full of inferior people. It is why I joined the Dark Lord, in the first place, but I have been disappointed. Not in him, never in him, for my love for him is unsurpassed.

Perhaps I loved him, too? Of course not! If anything, it was passion, sex, fire, ice. Anything but love. He seemed to know, too. Those Gryffindors always have that air of righteousness and mock sincerity about them. Yet, even knowing how I stood, knowing it all, ever since the beginning, somehow, he still mentioned the word. As he closed his eyes. With a smile, and a bouquet of white roses (and one red) in his hand. On his knees. Moving across me. Fire in his eyes.

Perhaps I wished to forget about him. To forget about the smoothness of his skin, the rasp of his breath against my skin, the growl of frustration as I toyed with him, as he tried to get me to react. He never did succeed. If he had become a man, maybe he would have. But he would always be a boy, my Sirius. Ah, not mine. I should forget him.

Perhaps you’ve been lying to me all along. You’re good at lying. Any Black is. You may not admit it, but you hide it under your charm, under your rousing laugh, the toss of your black curls. In the sleeves of your school robes, your concealed wand. You were always lying to me, never betraying your true self. Of course you were - it is how every member of the family was taught.

Perhaps you’ve always been lying.

Perhaps I didn’t kill you after all.

But if I am lying, what is all this about?

c:1752h, 181007
A/N: What is this all about, indeed? XD Bellatrix. Naaah. Sirius? Hrm, naahhh..


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