Spinach Herb Eggs

Mar 29, 2008 19:00

  • Eggs (Everyone always asks me why I eat pre-baby chicks, if I'm a vegetarian.)
  • Onion (Everything except your significant other tastes better with onions.)
  • Spinach (I used fresh, but you could probably use pre-cooked)
  • Parmesan Cheese (Does this make it Italian?)
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Cilantro (A time for love, a time for hate/A time for thyme, a time for parsley/A time for ciiiilantrooo)

  • Beat the eggs like a red-headed step child and set them aside.
  • Sauté the onions. When they are nearly sautéed, add the spinach and cook it through too (if you use fresh herbs, add them here too).
  • Mix the cooked business into the eggs.
  • Cook the mixture like an omelet or scrambled eggs.
  • Add the cheese just before the eggs are completely cooked.

cooking egg spinach vegetarian herb

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