Natural Submission 20/20 COMPLETE!

Mar 30, 2011 14:26

Natural Submission 20/20

by themadslasher aka jayaslash

Pairing: j2 AU

Rating: NC-17 (like way, way, way NC-17)

Word Count: 1,848, this part; 23,513 total


Jensen Ackles is an undercover FBI agent.  He’s been working for over three years to infiltrate a criminal human trafficking ring.  He’s worked hard to gain entry into Diablo’s, one of New York’s most revered criminal masterminds, inner circle.  Once he’s in, he witnesses horrific crimes, dozens of Americans kidnapped and sold into the international sex trade.  He is determined to bring Diablo and all of his henchmen down.

Jared Padalecki is a naïve, innocent grocery store cashier who has spent the last four years doing little besides caring for his ailing mother.  After her death, he finds himself alone and looking to make new friends.  He hooks up with the wrong crowd at work and falls into Diablo’s hands.  It’s up to Jensen to save the other man…but what will be the price?

Warnings:  Heavy BDSM.  Angst-filled.

Previously: Chapters 1-3, Chapters 4-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19



One Year Later - Fairfax, Virginia

Jared peered at himself in the slightly smudged mirror in the men's restroom of the Engineering building, turning ever so slightly to the right to gaze at the black ink etched into his arm. He bit his lip a little uncertainly. It was so permanent.

Still, the most centered, focused thrill shot through him at the sight of the words, etched in stark black against his pale skin. Property of Jensen Ackles. It was so basic, so crass, so completely naïve, as the heavily stencilled and pierced tattoo artist had pointed out only an hour ago. Jared had thought it a little ironic that a man who had both tweety bird and a serpent tattooed across his lower abdomen would be lecturing him on what he wanted to put on his own body. Still. It was a lot. Putting someone's name permanently on your skin, never mind the whole property of thing. He could get how someone would be put off by it. Hell, people had been put off by his completely unrealistic attachment to Jensen for at least a year now.

There was Tenn, Jensen's right-hand man and the closest thing to a buddy that he would ever have. Whenever Tenn made the trek from D.C. to Fairfax, he was always a little wary of Jared's presence. It wasn't anything that Tenn ever said, but the way that he looked at Jared sometimes...and the way his eyes caught on the possessive glide of Jensen's fingers as they ran across the nape of Jared's neck or over his thigh as they sat talking or eating. There was a wariness there, an uncertainty, a quick showing of discomfort before Tenn looked away. Jensen, so observant and focused, chose to ignore it.

And there was Dr. Flannery, who Jared was forced to visit once a week. It took the whole train ride to D.C. to buoy himself up for Flannery's heavy gaze and pointed questioning - and then the whole trip back to shake off the stifling feeling of judgement and the fear of being committed again. But Jensen had promised him that no one would make him go back into treatment and that Dr. Flannery only wanted to help him. Jared knew that it was the truth - and he fully believed Jensen's softly whispered words that nothing would ever separate them again, but it was nice having the train ride back to put his game face on.

Jensen was always there, waiting on the train platform, his face blank and stoic, only the barest of glint in his icy gaze revealing his pleasure at seeing Jared come bounding off of the train. The best part of those trips for Jared was the moment he found himself walking shoulder to shoulder with Jensen and then felt Jensen's fingers clasp his own, hand-holding for the entire two-mile walk back to their suburban condo. It wasn't the most gay-friendly city that Jared could think of, but people took one look at Jensen and then looked away. Who would be dumb enough to fuck with someone that dangerous? They never had any trouble.

Jared had worried a great deal in their first days back in D.C. and then those early days in Fairfax. Because despite what Jensen said, his work was his life and Jared didn't want to make him unhappy. But Tenn had come through for Jensen, pulling strings and working with him to develop an FBI training center helmed by Jensen and Tony Ianotti, another agent who had been on the brink of retiring. Between the two of them, they organized and coordinated all kinds of training for new agents. Much to Jared's relief, Jensen was flourishing in his role there, taking the trainees under his wing and teaching them everything that he could about undercover work.

Jared had managed to pick up work for himself, shelving groceries at a local market a few hours a week and taking classes at George Mason University in the afternoons. Jensen jealously regarded his time and Jared had had to strike a fine balance between the time he spent working and at school and the time he spent at home. Still, it didn't bother him a bit. If he let himself admit it, it thrilled him.

The bathroom door flung open and a curly-haired kid stuck his head in the door.

"Dude, your guy's out there scaring everybody," he said and Jared grinned and nodded, turning away from his reflection to follow him out of the door. The students in the Engineering program were a pretty close-knit bunch and everyone in Jared's classes had come to recognize the fact that Jensen was his guy, finding him waiting in the lobby between classes, arms folded across his chest with a patently impatient expression on his face, was commonplace.

Jared took a deep breath and his fingers nervously skimmed the bottom of the sleeveless t-shirt he was wearing. He knew that Jensen would know something was up from the moment he saw him. Jensen knew everything about him.

He spotted Jensen leaning against a brick pillar in the student lounge, arms folded, glaring. He caught sight of Jared and Jared let out his usual exuberant smile, watching as Jensen relaxed the slightest bit, that familiar glint in his eyes.

"Hey," Jared said happily once he was in front of Jensen, but Jensen just watched him for a moment. Jensen's eyes swept over him from head to toe, instantly, a thorough assessment.

"Let me see," Jensen said at once, his voice low and gravelly. Jared flushed slightly and turned the slightest bit to the right, giving Jensen full access to his freshly inked right arm. The thing was...Jared was the slightest bit nervous about the tattoo because he hadn't talked to Jensen about it. They talked about everything. Feelings, resentments, happiness, laughter. There had never been a person as close to Jared as Jensen was - and he knew without a doubt that there never would be again. But this - the tattoo - was a gift for Jensen. It was one year to the day from the time that he'd kneeled in that motel room in Texas and Jensen had claimed him, openly and completely.

Jensen's eyes darkened and narrowed.

"Do you like it?" Jared asked warily and when Jensen didn't respond began to babble. "It's sort of our anniversary...kind of. And I thought...I figured you might like it. I even talked to Flannery about it, if you can believe that. He was, of course, against it, but what he could do? Hippocratic oath or whatever."

"Let's go," Jensen said and at once Jared found himself held firmly in Jensen's grasp and being propelled quickly out of the Engineering building. Jared opened his mouth to say something - anything, but Jensen was moving too fast and Jared finally had to pull at the bruising grip that Jensen had on his forearm.

"Jen, you like it, right?" he asked uncertainly and Jensen pushed him roughly down the cement path between the Engineering building and the Student Commons, shoving Jared roughly against the brick wall and quickly pressing his lips to Jared's. Jared barely managed a quick gulp of air before Jensen's tongue was sliding against his and Jensen was using his knee to wedge himself between Jared's legs. Jared gave himself up to the kiss, the rough press of Jensen's mouth on his, the demanding pressure of Jensen's hands fisted in the t-shirt at his sides and finally, finally, the hard bulge of Jensen's dick biting into his thigh.

"Oh my God," Jared said when he could breathe, but Jensen had only let up to press his mouth against the sensitive skin at Jared's throat, to suck and tongue that area roughly, sending a thick wave of arousal through Jared. Then, Jensen was kissing him again and his hands had snaked down to grope Jared's cock tightly in his fist.

The sound of laughter and feet pounding on pavement broke through the thick haze of lust that had enveloped Jared and he pulled back slightly only to find himself pressed even more firmly against Jensen. They were outside. Outside.

"Jen," Jared tried helpfully. "Jen. Jensen!"

Jensen pulled back swiftly and suddenly, taking two steps away from Jared and running his hands agitatedly over the hair at the back of his nape, his green eyes flashing dangerously at Jared. Jared swallowed hard, watching as Jensen carefully reigned himself in. Jensen turned on his heel and started walking. Two heartbeats later, Jared followed.

"Get in the car," Jensen said, hitting the unlock button on his keys and Jared didn't pause to ask any questions. Jensen climbed in beside him and started the engine, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

The ride to the condo was tense and dead silent. Jared had tried to break the mood once, reaching for the radio dial and turning it up, but Jensen had pulled his hand aside and turned the radio off with a decisive snap. So, Jared put his hands in his lap and stared straight ahead. Jensen parked in the driveway, killed the ignition.

"Come on," Jensen told him and Jared followed a step behind Jensen, waiting patiently while he unlocked the front door with precise, efficient movements and stood aside for Jared to enter. Jensen disarmed their intricate alarm system while Jared stood by.

"Bedroom or playroom?" Jared asked lowly.

"Bedroom," Jensen said, turning towards Jared and Jared led the way. He had taken two steps toward the bed when he was unceremoniously pushed onto the bed. Jensen was removing his belt and unbuttoning his jeans as he moved to climb on top of Jared. Jared lifted his arms and pulled Jensen in, resuming their kissing in earnest.

When Jensen was deep inside of him and running his tongue over the puckered flesh of the tattoo for the umpteenth time, Jared let out a gasping laugh.

"You like it," he exclaimed happily and Jensen let out a cross between a laugh and a moan.

"You fucking think?" Jensen asked.


Later, sated and running his fingers over the damp, sweat-slicked skin of Jensen's back, Jared grinned. Jensen's lips were pressed against the tattoo.

"You know I have to cover it up, right?" Jared's voice rumbled out, low and lazy. "I'm not even supposed to have it uncovered right now. So, you'll have to separate your lips from my skin at some point."

He could feel Jensen's smile against his skin.

"I love you," the words were slightly muffled and Jared's grin became a full blown smile.

"If one tattoo gets you this mushy, I'll have to cover my whole body in ink," Jared teased and Jensen finally pulled away from the tattoo, staring down at him. The look in his eyes took the breath out of Jared's throat.

"No, Jared, I love you so damn much," Jensen said quietly. Jared ran his fingers over Jensen's face and met his gaze.

"I know," Jared said. "I love you, too."

And he always would.

The End

complete, j2, fic, jared/jensen

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