Natural Submission 18/20

May 27, 2010 09:49

Natural Submission 18/20

by themadslasher aka jayaslash

Pairing: j2 AU

Rating: NC-17 (like way, way, way NC-17)

Word Count: 974, this part; 19,641 total


Jensen Ackles is an undercover FBI agent.  He’s been working for over three years to infiltrate a criminal human trafficking ring.  He’s worked hard to gain entry into Diablo’s, one of New York’s most revered criminal masterminds, inner circle.  Once he’s in, he witnesses horrific crimes, dozens of Americans kidnapped and sold into the international sex trade.  He is determined to bring Diablo and all of his henchmen down.

Jared Padalecki is a naïve, innocent grocery store cashier who has spent the last four years doing little besides caring for his ailing mother.  After her death, he finds himself alone and looking to make new friends.  He hooks up with the wrong crowd at work and falls into Diablo’s hands.  It’s up to Jensen to save the other man…but what will be the price?

Warnings:  Heavy BDSM.  Angst-filled.

Previously: Chapters 1-3, Chapters 4-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17


Chapter Eighteen

Jensen slid the key into his motel room door, heaving a deep sigh as he unlocked the door and pushed it open.

The instant he stepped into the room, he stood still. A frisson of awareness shot through him. He didn’t reach for the light switch.  He knew there was another person in the room.  His hand instinctively crept toward his hip, but he stopped immediately when he caught sight of naked, glistening pale skin across the room.

Jared knelt at the foot of the bed. Naked.  Hands bound behind him.

Jensen felt his knees quake.

He stood there for several long moments, eyes fixed on Jared.  Every rigid line of his perfect body was lit by the slits of sunlight that filtered in through the blinds.  Jared’s head was bent low, eyes trained on the gritty carpet beneath him.  Jensen’s heart pounded erratically in his chest and he was taken back to months ago when he would walk into that suite in Diablo’s warehouse and find himself living out every fantasy he’d never known he had.  Every time he’d stepped over the threshold of that suite he’d been quivering inside with anticipation, with need and with happiness.

His job was his entire life.  It always had been.  He’d forsaken family, friends and even the remote possibility of falling in love for the thrill of going undercover, donning a new persona and bringing the bad guys to justice.  He’d loved every minute of it, from the psychology of getting inside of someone’s head and convincing them of his ruse to knowing that innocent lives were saved or restored because of the work he did.  It had fulfilled him in a way that nothing else did.

And now…Jensen knew that there was nothing that would ever make him feel the way he felt when he entered a room and found Jared there, bound, submissive and waiting for him.  Not his job, not the adrenaline rush of putting his life on the line.  Nothing would ever compare.

He reached back and locked the door with a loud click.  Jensen removed the gun from his hip and set it on the dresser beside him.  He bent low and removed the tiny pistol and holster from his ankle and the sheathed blade from his calve, setting them both aside.  He pulled the grubby t-shirt he wore over his head and tossed it aside.  He walked slowly across the room to stand in front of Jared.

He watched as Jared’s chest heaved, his breathing unsteady.  His fear was palpable in the air and Jensen knew where it stemmed from.  The fact that Jensen could turn him away again played heavily on Jared’s mind and he was shaking.

Jensen looked down at his boy and a fierce swelling of pride built inside of him.  Jared had been through so much.  Losing his mother, losing his home, losing everything that he knew and held dear.  He’d been betrayed by the only friends he thought he had.  He’d been cast aside and left for the vultures and he still knelt in front of Jensen, so determined and so stubborn.  He’d never once lost sight of who he was, even when circumstances had revealed a very different picture of himself than he’d probably ever imagined.  And he’d fought his way back to Jensen, through the Bureau’s red tape, through a psychiatric ward, across the country and through an unknown city.

Jensen’s hand shook slightly as he reached down to fist the waves of tussled dark hair and yank Jared’s head back with gentle violence.  Jared’s dark eyes were red-rimmed from crying, but fiercely determined when they met his.  Jensen ran the fingers of his free hand down the path of dried tears on Jared’s cheek and across the full slope of his bottom lip.  Jared’s lips parted , pleadingly and Jensen knew.  He knew that he could give it all up.  He could give up everything he’d worked so hard to achieve in the Bureau, he would give it all up if it meant that he got to spend the rest of his life with Jared.

“I love you,” he whispered and Jared’s eyes widened and deepened with emotion, blazing with happiness.  For one long, lingering moment, Jensen’s fingers caressed Jared’s face lovingly and Jared reveled in it, blissed out and giddy.  Then Jensen pulled back and his fingers tightened in Jared’s hair.

Jensen reached down and unzipped his jeans, pulling the rigid length of his cock out and palming it.  He pressed it against Jared’s face, admiring the obscene vision as he painted Jared’s lips with the head.  Jared’s tongue flicked out, desperate for a taste.  Jensen’s eyes darkened, possessively.

“Suck me,” Jensen ordered, throatily and Jared pressed forward needily, mouth open and devouring.  Jensen closed his eyes as the warmth of Jared’s throat closed around him.  He pressed into Jared’s throat, deeper and deeper, hand clamped in Jared’s hair holding him perfectly still, hips thrusting erratically as he fucked Jared’s mouth.

Jensen lost himself in the bliss of it all, in the feel of Jared’s throat muscles working against the length of his cock, every swallow tightening around him until he felt the cum tingling heavy and fiery through his shaft and out of him.

“Mine,” Jensen gasped grittily.  “You’re fucking mine, do you hear me?”

Jared gasped at Jensen’s possessive words, gagging in his effort to accommodate every drop.   He sucked until Jensen pulled away, eyes glittering as Jensen stepped back, tucking himself away.  Jensen watched as Jared’s head bent again, eyes moving down to Jared’s own seed dripping on the carpet and the top of Jensen’s steel-toed boot.

Jensen’s hand moved under Jared’s chin, tilting until Jared looked up at him again.

“I asked you a question,” Jensen reminded him.

“Yes,” Jared’s voice was hoarse.  “I’m yours.”

To be continued…

j2, fic, jared/jensen

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