Mar 12, 2006 16:47
so it has been a long time since i have written in here. there is a lot to say. First of all February break was amazing...nic and i went to chicago and it was one of the best trips ever. Then my best friend Janelle got married. It was surreal. But exciting, very exciting. I have now been back at school for a week. Friday was the Gillette Hall Banquest that Leadership Council (including myself) spent a lot of time planning. It went really well. Everyone looked AMAZING and the evening went off without a hitch, as far as I know. We sat at a really good table and I was glad.
so things socially are about the same. fairly nonexistant. I mean i have friends but not like a close group. they are like random people here and there. Not a lot of cohesiveness. I keep thinking that if i can just stick it out that next semester or next year will be better. That has yet to happen and it is kind of tiring waiting. I just can't seem to really be a good judge of character. I keep trying to be friends with people who just don't have the capacity to actually care about anything that doesn't directly impact them. I know people who i have tried to talk to about problems i am dealing with and their only comments in response are about their boy problems. That just kind of confuses me. How can people be so self-centered? i feel like so many of the girls here aren't even like grounded in reality. it is insane. all they talk about it being fat and how they have to diet and work out more and boys and blah blah blah. I would like to have a friend that i can discuss things of substance with and be crazy and zany. I guess my hope/prayer right now is that being in RA next year will put me in a position to get to know people who i have more in common with and i can relate to on a deeper level than surface stuff. But who knows...I guess that I will just have to wait and see.
Until April 5th I am going to be a hermit during the week. It is the only way I will be able to get all of the work done that I need to get done. It is going to be pretty much insane. But at least I definitely have fun stuff going on each weekend. So that is what I will be looking forward to. And hopefully I can increase my GPA or at the very least keep it above 3.5. There are some positives to not having a big group of friends haha; my GPA last semester rocked! so we'll see if we can't keep that up.
thats about all i've got for now...this next month is going to be nuts. pray for me!